生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986

Publisher: Chinese Alliance Press, 1986
Language: Chinese
Notes: ISBN: 978-962-244-122-4
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201是否信主得寶血潔淨大能? (Are you washed in the blood?)WASHED IN THE BLOOD
202凡願意者可來, (Whosoever will may come)[Whosoever will may come]Text
203耶穌溫柔慈聲懇切在呼喚, (Softly and Tenderly)THOMPSONText
204白超乎雪,潔白超乎雪, (Whiter than snow)FISCHERText
205進入我心親愛耶穌, (Into my heart)[Into my heart]Text
206慈愛救主聽我懇求, (Pass me not)[Pass me not]
207脫離捆綁,憂愁與黑夜, (Jesus, I come)[Jesus, I come]
208被罪人壓傷的人,快來, (Only trust Him)MINERVA/TRUST
209我聽見歡樂聲音, (Jesus Saves!)JESUS SAVES
210你是否願從罪中釋放? (There is power in the blood)[There is power in the blood]
211我愛我主國度, (I love Thy Kingdom, Lord)ST. THOMAS (WILLIAMS)
212美哉錫安,上主聖城, (Glorious things of thee are spoken)AUSTRIA
213教會宣講喜樂信息, (Here is preached the gladsome tidings)[Here is preached the gladsome tidings]
214奠基隅石安放處, (On the stone now laid with prayer)PLEYEL'S HYMN
215教會獨一的根基 (The church's one foundation)AURELIA
216上主真光甚輝煌, (The light of God is falling)GREENLAND
217基督作成穩固根基, (Christ is made the sure foundation)REGENT SQUARE
218福哉主愛聖徒, (Blest be the tie that binds)DENNIS
219昔日聖徒已經完工歇息, (For all the saints)SINE NOMINE
220神是愛,有真愛地方UBI CARITAS (MURRAY)
221先賢之信,萬世永存, (Faith of our fathers)ST. CATHERINE
222求主為我開啟天門, (Open now Thy gates of beauty)NEANDER (UNSER HERRSCHER)
223又平安經過一週, (Safely through another week)SABBATH
224今天是主所定日子, (This is the day the Lord hath made)WINCHESTER OLD
225今天是主所定日子, (This is the day the Lord hath made)ARLINGTON
227前有一日我已決定, (O happy day!)[O happy day!]
228讚美救主基督聖名, (We bless the name of Christ the Lord)RETREAT
229受洗歸入救主的死, (Baptized into our Saviour's death)EVAN
230我們受洗與主同葬, (Buried in baptism with our Lord)WARD
231真真有福甜蜜時光, (Sweet the moments, rich in blessing)IPHIGENIA
232賜恩的主,聖潔真神, (This child we dedicate to Thee)FEDERAL STREET
233信徒高歌,滿心快樂, (Christians, lift your hearts and voices)CHEN CHIHText
234我們跪在主面前同擘餅, (Let us break bread together on our knees)[Let us break bread together on our knees]Text
235因你為我擘開的餅, (For the bread, which Thou hast broken)CROSS OF JESUS
236主為門徒曾預備樓房, (An upper room did our Lord prepare)O WALY WALY
237我今遵照救主恩言, (According to Thy gracious word)MANOAHText
238等主來, (Till He come - O let the words)ST. PETERSBURG
239我們既已領受聖餐, (The sacrament of care)NIAGARA
240葡萄園主求垂聽, (Master of the vineyard, hear)SALZBURG-HINTZE
241照樣差你,去工作不望賞賜, (So send I you)TORONTO
242照樣差你─用聖經真道訓誨, (So send I you to teach my word)
243海洋的彼岸,萬人等候, (Lord, send me there)
244救主要我前往之地, (I'll go where you want me to go)[I'll go where you want me to go]
245效法耶穌,我歌詠, (I would be like Jesus)SPRING HILL
246求先知主宰,賜福你聖僕, (God of the prophets!)TOULON
247在塵世生命崎嶇道路上,多少人困倦悲傷; (Make me a blessing)SCHULERText
248懇求恩主臨格! (Come, o Thou God of grace)MOSCOW
249親愛天父你眾兒女, (Send refreshing)[Send refreshing]
250生命之主,向我吹靈氣, (O breath of life)SPIRITUS VITAE
251求主復興聖工,將你權能顯明, (Revive Thy work, O Lord!)[Revive Thy work, O Lord!]
252主必賜福如降大雨, (There shall be showers of blessing)[There shall be showers of blessing]Text
253兩手空空歸回天家, (Must I go, and empty handed?)[Must I go, and empty handed?]
254趕快救滅亡人, (Rescue the Perishing)RESCUE
255遠近田野莊稼成熟, (The call for reapers)HARVESTText
256求主趕快差遣僕人, (Speed Thy servants)DISMISSAL
257北方諸山歡欣, (Hope of the World)LITTLE CORNARD
258從格陵蘭冰雪山, (From greenland's icy mountains)MISSIONARY
259遙遠地方,黑暗籠罩之異邦, (Go ye into all the world)[Go ye into all the world]
260天父美意是將生命, (Father, whose will is life)TALLIS' ORDINAL
261我們有一故事傳給萬邦, (We've a story to tell to the nations)MESSAGEText
262對我述說耶穌故事, (Tell me the story of Jesus)[Tell me the story of Jesus]
263我愛傳揚主福音, (I love to tell the story)EATON SQUARE (HANKEY)Text
264我要去傳福音, (The regions beyond)[The regions beyond]
265請講述古老福音, (Tell me the old, old story)EVANGEL
266千萬人遠在深深海洋彼岸, (Speed the light)[Speed the light]
267有呼喊聲從洶湧浪中傳來, (Send the light)MCCABE
268清早起來撒種, (Bringing in the sheaves)[Bringing in the sheaves]
269信徒趕快將主福音去傳揚, (O Zion, haste)TIDINGS
270那登錫安的人, (How beauteous are their feet)CAMBRIDGE
271我已領受主的託付, (My trust)Text
272倚靠耶和華的人真有福, (Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord)[Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord]
273我靈鎮靜, (Be still, my soul)FINLANDIA
274主門徒的信仰是何等穩當, (How firm a foundation)ADESTE FIDELES
275耶穌我靈好朋友, (Jesus, lover of my soul)ABERYSTWYTH
276每當我怕信心失喪, (He will hold me fast)[He will hold me fast]
277我心所望別無依靠, (My hope is built on nothing less)SOLID ROCK
278我每日信靠救主, (Trusting Jesus)[Trusting Jesus]
279何等榮耀美好消息, (Yesterday, today, forever)[Yesterday, today, forever]
280奇妙的救贖主是耶穌我主,[He hideth my soul]Text
281光明山上基督精兵, (Faith is the victory)[Faith is the victory]
282我不知明天將如何, (I know who holds tomorrow)[I know who holds tomorrow]
283我知誰掌管前途 (I know who holds the future)[I know who holds the future]
284信靠救主引導你前路, (If thou but suffer God to guide thee)WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT (NEUMARK)
285主基督裡我已尋見, (None but Christ can satisfy)[None but Christ can satisfy]
286信靠耶穌真是甜美, ('Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus)['Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus]
287在主真道光中,我與救主同行, (Trust and obey)TRUST AND OBEY
288懇求天父賜恩扶助, (Life)THIS ENDRIS NYGHT
289主是磐石容我藏躲, (A shelter in the time of storm)[A shelter in the time of storm]
290一生在神手中, (My times are in Thy hand)FERGUSON
291我需要主, (I need Jesus)[I need Jesus]
292我聞慈愛之言, (I hear the words of love)ST. MICHAEL (OLD 134TH)
293你心靈是否煩惱困苦? (Turn your eyes upon Jesus)LEMMEL
294願我信心永不退後, (O for a faith that will not shrink)AZMON
295當我心靈深處有痛苦, (Does Jesus care?)PEACE AND COMFORT
296我以信心仰望十字架上羔羊, (My faith looks up to Thee)OLIVET
297疑懼心切莫驚惶, (Thy God reigneth!)[Thy God reigneth!]
298主是我永遠的福分CLOSE TO THEEText
299面臨試煉時候,請主代我求, (In the hour of trial)PENITENCE
300主寶貴應許:「我永不忘記你。」 (I will not forget thee)SWEET PROMISE

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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