Small Church Music

Let us be your Church musician
The SmallChurchMusic site was launched in 2006, growing out of the requests from those struggling to provide suitable music for their services and meetings.
Rev. Clyde McLennan was ordained in mid 1960’s and was a pastor in many small Australian country areas, and therefore was acutely aware of this music problem. Having also been trained as a Pipe Organist, recordings on site (which are a subset of the site) are all actually played by Clyde, and also include piano and piano with organ versions.
All recordings are in MP3 format. Churches all around the world use the recordings, with downloads averaging over 60,000 per month.
The recordings normally have an introduction, several verses and a slowdown on the last verse. Users are encouraged to use software: Audacity ( or Song Surgeon ( (see for more information) to adjust the MP3 number of verses, tempo and pitch to suit their local needs.

Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. For permission to use them for any other purposes, please contact


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Performer: Clyde McLennan
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
6848Ya kamata duk su jiEVERYBODY OUGHT TO KNOWAudio
6849Maganar Allah hammaTHE BOOK OF BOOKSAudio
6850Littafi Mai Tsarki, abincin rai ne shiTHE B-I-B-L-EAudio
6851Ҡofa ɗaya, ita kaɗai[One door and only one]Audio
6852Mai jin addu’a yana nanI LOVE HIM BETTERAudio
6947Bi ni, in ji Almasihu (I'm on the rock, Hallelujah!)[I'm on the rock Hallelujah]Audio
6948Muna barka dai da zuwanku (There's a Christian Welcome)[There's a Christian Welcome]Audio
6949Yesu da iko Ya tsare ni nan (Out of the depth to the glory above)[Out of the depth to the glory above]Audio
6950An zamadda Yesu ne (Jesus Christ is made to me)[Jesus Christ is made to me]Audio
6951Yesu Kristi yana zuwa don ya ɗauki masu bi (I am watching for the coming)[I am watching for the coming]Audio
6957Zo, mu bi Yesu, cikin duniyan nan (Come, we follow Jesus)[Come we follow Jesus]Audio
6861Betapa Indah Rumah-Mu (How pleasant, how divinely fair)[How pleasant how divinely fair]Audio
6866Sembah Sujudlah Umat-Nya (With Joy And Gladness In My Soul)HARVEY'S CHANTAudio
6867Hati Yesus Penuh (In the heart of Jesus)[In the heart of Jesus]Audio
6868Sperti Bapa kasih anaknya (Like as a father, pities his child)[Like as a father pities his child]Audio
6873Tuntun aku agar kakiku, Tuhan (Lead Thou me on)WILLINGHAMAudio
6882Lebih besar dari kasih ibu (Dearer than all)[Dearer than all]Audio
7064Ry Jeso o, ry Jeso ! (O Jesu! Thou took my heart )[O Jesu Thou took my heart ]Audio
7065Ry Jeso o ! ry Jeso o ! (O Jesu! O Jesu! Our hearts love Thee)PARADISE (Smart)Audio
6885Kungs Jēzu, debess AuseklitERSCHIENEN IST DER HERRLICH TAGAudio
6886Kungs Jēzu, Tavas asinis (Lord Jesus, Your blood)NUN LASST UNS DEN LEIBAudio
6887Cik svēta ir šī vieta (How Holy is this place)MORAVIAAudio
6888Debess dzied un zeme dzied (Heaven and earth sing)GROSSER GOTT (11171)Audio
6889Pie manis nāciet, Kristus sauc (Come with me, Christ calls)KOMMT HER ZU MIRAudio
6890Cik liels ir mūsu Dievs (How great is our God)ST. PETERSBURGAudio
6891Cik jauki, cik skaisti[Latvian Lutheran #218 ]Audio
6894Jauns gaismas rits (New light of morning)[New light of morning]Audio
6895Tu, augšāmceltais Dieva Dēls (You, the resurrected Son of God)WAS GOTT TUTAudio
6897Tu, kam visa vara (You have all power)[You have all power]Audio
6898Kas mūsu vara, mūsu spēks (Our power, our strength)EISENACH (Gesius, Schein)Audio
6899Kas ar Dievu darbu dara (What God is doing)[What God is doing]Audio
6901Mūsu Kunga žēlastība (God's children)SCHMÜCKE DICHAudio
6902Laidiet bērniņus pie manis (Suffer the little children)[Suffer the little children]Audio
6903Es dziļās bēdās nosaucos (I am in deep sorrow)[I am in deep sorrow]Audio
6906Jēzu, Tevi neatstāšu (Jesus, you will not leave)[Jesus you will not leave]Audio
6907Akmens ir novelts[Akmens ir novelts]Audio
6908Es nekaunos tā vārda dēļ (I am not ashamed of the Word)[I am not ashamed of the Word]Audio
6909Mans Jēzus dzivs (Latvian)[Mans Jēzus dzivs](Latvian)Audio
6910Pilnas rokas paceldams[Pilnas rokas paceldams]Audio
6915Sirds ar apskaidrotu prieku (Hearts enlightened with joy)[Hearts enlightened with joy]Audio
6916Pastāvi, pastāvi, Dieva gaismā (The light of God)HOLY LORDAudio
6918Nāku es kā māceklis (I come as a disciple)WIRTEMBURGAudio
6919Tev, Debestēvs, mēs pateicam (Heavenly Father, we thank You)HERR JESU CHRISTAudio
6920Labais gans, kas ganāmos (The good shepherd)[The good shepherd]Audio
6922Spēku dod, spēku dod (Give strength)[Give strength]Audio
6923Debestēvs, nāc, svēti mani (Heavenly Father, come)[Heavenly Father come]Audio
6924Kungs, lidzi nāc (Until the Lord Comes)[Until the Lord Comes]Audio
6925Visiem, Tēvs, spārnus dod[Visiem, Tēvs, spārnus dod]Audio
5913Misaora an’i Zanahary (Let us thank the creator)[Let us thank the creator]Audio
7066Ry Jeso o ! ry Jeso o ! (O Jesu! O Jesu! Our hearts love Thee)[O Jesu O Jesu Our hearts love Thee](Rasoanaivo)Audio
5628Отче Небесный (Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty)[Heavenly Father Lord God Almighty](Russian)Audio
5649Научи меня Боже молиться (Teach me, Lord, how pray)[Teach me Lord how pray](Russian)Audio
5650Господь пребудь Ты с нами (Lord Be with Us We Need Thee)[Lord Be with Us We Need Thee](Gebhardt)Audio
5651Отче Всесильный услышь мольбу (Almighty Father Hear Our Prayer)ALMIGHTY FATHERAudio
5652Сердце мое сделай снега белей (O for a heart that is whiter than snow!)[O for a heart that is whiter than snow]Audio
5676Взываю Господи к Тебе (Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry)[Jesus my Lord to Thee I cry]Audio
5677Спаситель говори нам везде (Speak to My Soul Lord Jesus)[Speak to My Soul Lord Jesus]Audio
5678Страшно бушует житейское море (Wildly Life's Billows Are Beating)[Wildly Life's Billows Are Beating]Audio
5707Я слышу со креста Спаситель (Sad and weary, lone and dreary)[Sad and weary lone and dreary]Audio
5708Страх ли душу угнетает (When I fear my faith will fail)[When I fear my faith will fail](Russian)Audio
5709Услышь мольбу и вздох (Hear the prayer and breath of my soul)[Hear the prayer and breath of my soul](Russian)Audio
5727Отче жизнь мою отныне (Take My Life, O Father)VESPER HYMN (shortened)Audio
5728Благость Господняя (Merciful God of omnipotent power)[Merciful God of omnipotent power](Russian)Audio
5729Сильна Всевышнего рука (How strong and sweet my Father's care)EUDORAAudio
5753Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир (A story sweet and wondrous)[A story sweet and wondrous]Audio
5754Бог есть любовь (I Know God Loves Me)GOTT IST DIE LIEBEAudio
5755О мира спасенье (O Boundless Salvation)[O Boundless Salvation]Audio
5784Родился вот Младенец нам (To Us a Child of Hope Is Born)ZERAHAudio
5785Народ теснится и бежит (What means this eager anxious throng)[What means this eager anxious throng]Audio
5786Не знаю как Христос в Отце (I Know Not How That Bethlehem's Babe)SHIRLEYN (Harper)Audio
5787Когда Царь придет во славе (When the King Comes in His Glory)[When the King Comes in His Glory]Audio
5803Спаситель мысли о Тебе дают (Jesus the Very Thought of Thee)SARONAudio
5804Там у ног Иисуса (At the Feet of Jesus)[At the Feet of Jesus]Audio
5805Глубже всех морей и океанов (Deeper than the Deepest)[Deeper than the Deepest of the oceans](Russian)Audio
5807Возле старых олив (Neath the stars of the night)[Neath the stars of the night]Audio
5826В багрянице стоишь Ты (In a Mock Purple Arrayed)[In a Mock Purple Arrayed]Audio
5827В Гефсиманский сад пойди (Go to Dark Gethsemane)[Go to Dark Gethsemane](Montgomery)Audio
5852Я знаю жив Христос Спаситель (I Know That My Redeemer Liveth)[I Know That My Redeemer Liveth]Audio
5853Мой Господь (He Is Mine)[He Is Mine]TextAudio
5854С небес Своих лазурных (Down life's dark vale)[Down life's dark vale]Audio
5873Я буду рад (I'll Be So Glad)[I'll Be So Glad]Audio
5874Иисуса имя мне (Jesus Thy Name I Love)LYTE (Holbrook)Audio
7067Irinay Jeso tia (We desire Jesu's love)[We desire Jesu's love]Audio
5875О грешник чтоб в сердце (The Spirit О Sinner)[The Spirit О Sinner]Audio
5876О образ совершенный (O Image of Perfection)[O Image of Perfection](Russian)Audio
5919Зачем забот тяжелый гнет (Why Should I Charge My Soul)[Why Should I Charge My Soul]Audio
5967Приди сыи заблудший к Отцу (Come home! come home!)[Come home come home]Audio
5968Придите пир готов (Come for the Feast is Spread)[Come for the Feast is Spread]Audio
5983Отверста дверь для нас одна (There is a gate that stands ajar)[There is a gate that stands ajar]Audio
5984Войдите друзья в отверзтую дверь (The Door of Salvation now Stands Open[The Door of Salvation now Stands Open]Audio
5985О Божьих слов не пропускай (Oh! Do not let the word depart)[Oh, do not let the Word depart] (Sankey)TextAudio
6004К жизни источнику с верой (Come with thy sins)[Come with thy sins]Audio
6005Грешник слушай ухом веры (In the Silent Midnight Watches)[In the Silent Midnight Watches](Root)Audio
6006Пастырь Добрый ищет (Tenderly the Shepherd)[Tenderly the Shepherd](Russian)Audio
6019Где будешь вечность проводить? (Where Will You Spend Eternity?)[Where Will You Spend Eternity]Audio
7068Ny foko, ry Mpamonjy (My heart is thirsty of Thee, O Saviour)[My heart is thirsty of Thee O Saviour](Ramboatina)Audio
6020В горнем ущельи укройся (Flee As a Bird)[Flee As a Bird]Audio
6021Из чужого края (In the land of strangers)WELCOME (Sankey)Audio
6032Любит лишь Христос безмерно (One there is above all others)[One there is above all others](Russian)Audio
6033Любви величье прославляем (O power of love)[O power of love]Audio

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
Suggestions or corrections? Contact us