Effie Chastain de Naylor

Short Name: Effie Chastain de Naylor
Full Name: Naylor, Effie Chastain de, 1889-1960
Birth Year: 1889
Death Year: 1960

Born in Mexico in 1889 to parents from the U.S. who were missionaries. She married George Dent Naylor, a Methodist missionary and they worked in Guantánamo. She was a composer and choir director. Her music is widely used in Cuban churches.

Dianne Shapiro, from A Social History of Cuban's Protestants: God and the Nation, by James A.Baer (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019)

Texts by Effie Chastain de Naylor (17)sort ascendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
We three kings of Orient areEffie Chastain de Naylor (Translator)English2
Un cántico de gracias Queremos elevarE. Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish2
Padre, al irnosEffie Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish3
Oh, pueblecito de Belén, Durmiendo en dulce pazEffie Chastain de Naylor (Translator)Spanish4
¡Oh, cantad! ¡Loores entonad!Effie Chastain de Naylor (Translator)Spanish2
Nuestros himnos elevamosEffie Chastain de Naylor, n. 1889 (Author)Spanish4
En la Biblia tenemos historias hermosasEffie Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish2
En el silencio de la oscuridadEffie Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish3
El niño pequeño de toda regiónEffie Chastain de Naylor, n. 1889 (Translator)Spanish6
Del Oriente somos los tresEffie Chastain de Naylor (Translator)Spanish10
Con los ángeles cantemosEffie Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish2
Cantaremos Los niñitos todosE. C. de Naylor (Translator)Spanish2
¡Cantad, cantad; la voz alzad!Effie Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish4
Campanas por doquierEffie Chastain de Naylor (Author (es. 1))Spanish3
Alabadle, ¡oh niñitos todos!Effie Chastain de Naylor (Translator)Spanish4
Al venir la noche Con su oscuridadE. Chastain de Naylor (Author)Spanish4
Al pobre pesebre del niño JesúsEffie Chastain de Naylor (Translator)Spanish2
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