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Tune Identifier:"^st_david_ravenscroft$"

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Christ Is Gone Up

Author: John M. Neale Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #864 Meter: First Line: Christ is gone up; yet ere He passed Lyrics: 1. Christ is gone up; yet ere He passed From earth, in Heav’n to reign, He formed one holy Church to last Till He should come again. 2. His twelve Apostles first He made His ministers of grace; And they their hands on others laid, To fill in turn their place. 3. So age by age, and year by year, His grace was handed on; And still the holy Church is here, Although her Lord is gone. 4. Let those find pardon, Lord, from Thee, Whose love to her is cold: Bring wanderers in, and let there be One Shepherd and one fold. 5. And now we haste with thankful feet To seek our Savior’s face; And in the holy Church to meet, His chosen dwelling place. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DAVID

Lord, Who Hast Sought Us Out, Unsought

Author: George Croly Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11153 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, who hast sought us out, unsought, Arise, and make us whole: Teach us to love Thee as we ought, And give Thee all the soul. 2 Grant that all we, who meet, this hour, Within Thy house of prayer, May have Thy peace, and own Thy power, But spare our weakness, spare! 3 Give us Thy grace, Thy faith, Thy love, In all our hearts’ distress; O Thou! in whom we live and move, Look down, and hear, and bless. 4 Jesus! assume Messiah’s throne, Thy foes before Thee driven, Thy will, in grace and glory, done In earth as ’tis in Heaven. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DAVID
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Come, let us to the Lord our God

Author: John Morison (1749-1798) Hymnal: The Oxford Hymn Book #194a (1920) Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DAVID'S
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In thee, O Lord, I put my trust

Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P31 (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust; shamed let me never be: according to thy righteousness do thou deliver me. 2 Bow down thine ear to me, with speed send me deliverance: to save me, my strong rock be thou, and my house of defence. 3 Because thou art my rock, and thee I for my fortress take; do thou me therefore lead and guide, even for thine own name’s sake. 4 And, since thou art my strength, do thou pull me out of the net, Which they in subtlety for me so privily have set. 5 Into thy hand I do commit my spirit; thou art he, O thou, Jehovah, God of truth, who hast redeemed me. 6 Those that do lying vanities regard I have abhorred: but as for me, my confidence is fixed on the Lord. 7 I’ll in thy mercy greatly joy: for thou my miseries considered hast; thou hast my soul known in adversities; 8 and thou hast not inclosed me within the enemy’s hand; and by thee have my feet been made in a large room to stand. 9 O Lord, upon me mercy have, for trouble is on me: mine eye, my belly, and my soul, with grief consumed be. 10 Because my life with grief is spent, my years with sighs and groans: my strength doth fail; and for my sin consumed are my bones. 11 I through my foes all was a scorn, and to my neighbours near a great reproach have I become, and to my friends a fear: 12 and when they saw me walk abroad, they from my presence fled; I like a broken vessel am, forgotten as one dead. 13 For slanders I of many heard; fear compassed me, while they against me did consult, and plot to take my life away. 14 But as for me, O Lord, my trust upon thee I have laid; and I to thee, Thou art my God, have confidently said. 15 My times are wholly in thine hand: do thou deliver me from their hands that mine enemies and persecutors be. 16 Thy countenance to shine do thou upon thy servant make; and unto me salvation give, for thy great mercies’ sake. 17 Let me not be ashamed, O Lord, for on thee called I have: let wicked men be shamed, let them be silent in the grave. 18 To silence put the lying lips, that grievous things do say, and hard reports, in pride and scorn, on righteous men do lay. 19 How great’s thy goodness thou for them that fear thee keep’st in store, And wrought’st for them that trust in thee the sons of men before! 20 In secret of thy presence thou shalt hide them from man’s pride: from strife of tongues thou closely shalt, as in a tent, them hide. 21 All praise and thanks be to the Lord: for he hath magnified his wondrous love to me within a city fortified. 22 For, From thine eyes cut off I am, I in my haste had said; my voice yet heard’st thou, when to thee with cries my moan I made. 23 O love the Lord, all ye his saints; because the Lord doth guard the faithful, and he plenteously proud doers doth reward. 24 Be of good courage, and he strength unto your heart shall send, all ye whose hope and confidence upon the Lord depend. Scripture: Psalm 31 Languages: English Tune Title: ST DAVID
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When all thy mercies, O my God!

Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #H1 (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 When all thy mercies, O my God! my rising soul surveys transported with the view, I’m lost in wonder, love, and praise. 2 O how shall words, with equal warmth, the gratitude declare that glows within my ravish'd heart! but Thou canst read it there. 3 Thy providence my life sustain'd, and all my wants redrest, when in the silent womb I lay, and hung upon the breast. 4 To all my weak complaints and cries thy mercy lent an ear, ere yet my feeble thoughts had learn'd to form themselves in pray’r. 5 Unnumber'd comforts to my soul thy tender care bestow'd, before my infant heart conceiv'd from whom these comforts flow'd. 6 When in the slipp’ry paths of youth with heedless steps I ran, thine arm, unseen, convey'd me safe, and led me up to man: 7 Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths, it gently clear'd my way; and through the pleasing snares of vice, more to be feared than they. 8 When worn with sickness, oft hast thou with health renew'd my face; and, when in sins and sorrows sunk, reviv'd my soul with grace. 9 Thy bounteous hand with worldly bliss hath made my cup run o’er; and, in a kind and faithful friend, hath doubled all my store. 10 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts my daily thanks employ; nor is the least a cheerful heart, that tastes these gifts with joy. 11 Through ev’ry period of my life thy goodness I’ll proclaim; and after death, in distant worlds, resume the glorious theme. 12 When nature fails, and day and night divide thy works no more, my ever grateful heart, O Lord, thy mercy shall adore. 13 Through all eternity to thee a joyful song I’ll raise; for, oh! eternity’s too short to utter all thy praise. Scripture: Psalm 125 Languages: English Tune Title: ST DAVID

How excellent in all the earth

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #6 (1918) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 8 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DAVID

Behold us, Lord, a little space

Author: Rev. John Ellerton Hymnal: The Book of Common Praise #15 (1939) Meter: Topics: Mid-Day Tune Title: ST. DAVID
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When all Thy mercies, O my God

Hymnal: The Church Hymnary #16 (1902) Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DAVID
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God will I bless all times; his praise

Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P34a (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 God will I bless all times; his praise my mouth shall still express. 2 My soul shall boast in God: the meek shall hear with joyfulness. 3 Extol the Lord with me, let us his name together praise; 4 I sought the Lord, he heard, and did above all fears me raise. 5 They looked to him and lightened were: their faces were not shamed; 6 this poor man cried, God heard, and him from all distress redeemed. 7 The angel of the Lord encamps, and round encompasseth all those about that do him fear, and them delivereth. 8 O taste and see that God is good: who trusts in him is blessed. 9 Fear God his saints: none that him fear shall be with want oppressed. 10 The lions young may hungry be, and they may lack their food: but they that truly seek the Lord shall not lack any good. 11 O children, hither do ye come, and unto me give ear; I shall you teach to understand how ye the Lord should fear. 12 What man is he that life desires, to see good would live long? 13 Thy lips refrain from speaking guile, and from ill words thy tongue. 14 Depart from ill, do good, seek peace, pursue it earnestly. 15 God’s eyes are on the just; his ears are open to their cry. 16 The face of God is set against those that do wickedly, that he may quite out from the earth cut off their memory. 17 The righteous cry unto the Lord, he unto them gives ear; and they out of their troubles all by him delivered are. 18 The Lord is ever nigh to them in heart that broken be; those who in spirit contrite are he saveth graciously. 19 The troubles that afflict the just in number many be; but yet at length out of them all the Lord doth set him free. 20 He carefully his bones doth keep, whatever may befall; that not so much as one of them can broken be at all. 21 Ill shall the wicked slay; condemned shall be who hate the just. 22 The Lord redeems his servants’ souls; none perish that him trust. Scripture: Psalm 34 Languages: English Tune Title: ST DAVID
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Thou art the Way: to Thee alone

Author: Bp. G. W. Doane, 1799-1859 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #62 (1917) Lyrics: 1 Thou art the Way: to Thee alone From sin and death we flee; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. 2 Thou art the Truth: Thy word alone True wisdom can impart; Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life: the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conquering arm; And those who put their trust in Thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life; Grant us that Way to know, That Truth to keep, that Life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. Topics: Truth, the Jesus the; Truth, the Jesus the; Christ Way, Truth, Life; The Godhead The Son; Way, Jesus the ; Life Consecrated Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DAVID


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