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Scripture:Psalm 45:10-17

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My heart is full of admiration

Author: Graham Kendrick Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 45 Topics: The Godhead Jesus - God the Son; Living the Christian Life Praise and Thanksgiving; Living the Christian Life Worship and Adoration Used With Tune: [My heart is full of admiration]
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Make haste, O Lord, deliver me

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 45 Topics: Praise
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Come sinners, to the school of Christ

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 45 Topics: Psalms; Supplication

I Praise the King with All My Verses

Author: Marie J. Post; Bert Polman Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 Topics: King, God/Christ as; Marriage; Christmas; King, God/Christ as; Marriage Used With Tune: O DASS ICH TAUSEND
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My Breast is inspir'd

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 Lyrics: 1. My Breast is inspir'd With Thoughts more sublime; My Tongue, in soft Notes, Is ready to sing; No Pen of swift Writer Can with it keep Time; A Poem most sacred To Israel's great King. 2. Among all the Sons Of Men, there is none That can with thy Form, So matchless, compare; All heavenly Grace, in Thy Lips, is pour'd down; Thy God Thee forever Doth blessed declare. 3. Thy Sword, on thy Thigh, Gird, O mighty Prince; With Glory adorn'd, And Majesty crown'd. 4. Of Truth, Peace, and Justice, Ride on the Defence; Thy Right-hand shall teach Thee Thy Foes to confound. 5. Thy sharp Arrows pierce Their Hearts, with great Pain, Who're Foes to the King; They fall at thy Feet. 6. Thy Throne, O God ever Secure shall remain; Thy Kingdom's just Laws are Thy Scepter of State. 7. Thou Wickedness hat'st, But Justice dost love; God, therefore, thy God, Anointed hath Thee, With rich Oyl of Gladness, In Measure above All Those that esteemed Thy Fellows may be. 8. Thy Garments perfum'd. Their Fragrance out send. From th' Iv'ry Palace, With which they are glad. 9. For Maidens of Honour, Kings Daughters attend The Queen, at thy Right-hand, In Ophir's Gold clad. Second Part 10. O Daughter, attend, And hear thou my Word; Thy Kindred, and Land, Forget thou must quite, 11. Him rev'rence, and worship, Who now is thy Lord; So the King in thy Beauty, Shall greatly delight. 12. The Daughters of Tyre, Their Presents shall bring; The Rich, with their Gifts, Thy Favour entreat 13. Within thou'rt all glorious, Who sprang from a King; Thy Garments embroider'd With Gold, are most neat 14. She's led to the King, In Needle Work Robes; With Virgins, her Mates, That on her attend. 15. They move on thro' Shoutings, That ring thro' the Globes; And enter the Palace, With Joys that ne'er end. 16. In thy Fathers Stead, From Thee, there shall spring A Race, thro' the Earth, Great Princes in Fame. 17. Thy Name, in this Poem, All Ages shall sing; And Nations, forever, Thy Praises proclaim.
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My chearful Mind a good Design shall frame

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 Lyrics: 1 My chearful Mind a good Design shall frame, Whilst I the King's loud Praise proclaim; My Tongue directed by my joyful Heart, Is like the Pen that's us'd with ready Art. How matchless is thy Form, O King renown'd! With beaming Glories are thy Temples crown'd, Thy Mouth with Grace continually o'erflows; Because fresh Blessings GOD on thee bestows. 2 Gird on thy Sword, O Prince! in Might excel, Gird on that Sword which doth thy Foes repel; And clad in Ornaments and rich Array, Majestic Pomp, resistless Pow'r display: Ride on in State, and still the Meek protect, Thy dreadful Wrath against thy Foes direct: Let thy right Hand with swift Revenge pursue, All those who strive against the Just and True. 3 The sharpen'd Weapons which thy Hands direct, Thy humbled Foes shall to thy Will subject; Down, down they fall, who dare thy Pow'r oppose, Whilst thro' their Hearts the feather'd Arrow goes; But thou, O God! shall firmly be enthron'd, And thy just Rule by all Mankind be own'd; Thy Sceptre's Sway for ever to endure, Shall always make thy righteous Laws secure. 4 Because thy Heart hath upright Ways approv'd; The purest Truth and strictest Justice lov'd; And hated still in crooked Paths to move, Where wand'ring Sinners ever thoughtless rove; Therefore, thy GOD, did thee to reign appoint, And with the Oil of Joy thy Head anoint: With Cassia, Aloes and Myrrh abound, Thy royal Robes, and spread their Odours round. 5 Amongst the honourable Women plac'd, Do princely Virgins stand, with Beauty grac'd; The glorious Queen herself in State did stand, Array'd in golden Robes, at thy right Hand. But to my Words, O Royal Bride, give Ear, And my Instructions with Attention hear; Forget thy Country, and each former Friend, And on the King alone, with Hope depend. 6 So shall thy Beauty more inviting be; So shall his constant Love encrease to thee; Since he's thy LORD, to him thy Homage pay, And his Affections ne'er shall know decay. The Tyrian Matrons shall rich Presents make, And daily strive thy Favours to partake: The King's fair Daughter inward Graces fill, Her Raiment is of Gold, adorn'd with Skill. 7 She with her nuptial Garments, wide display'd, In costly Robes of Needle Work array'd; While Virgin Trains, attending, stand around, Shall to the King be brought with Glory crown'd. With all the State of solemn Pomp can show, With all the Lustre Riches can bestow; The grand Procession slowly moves along, 'Till the wide Gates receive the pompous Throng. 8 Then, in the Room thy royal Father grac'd, Expect to see thy princely Offspring plac'd; Whom thou in State to diff'rent Realms mayst send, To govern there, and Justice to defend. Whilst this my Song, to future Times preserv'd, Shall tell the Praises, thy great Name deserv'd. And make the World with one Consent proclaim, Thy lasting Glory and perpetual Fame. Topics: Description of The Church: Happiness under the Government of the Messiah; Description of The Church: Union with Jesus Christ; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Union with the Church; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Used With Tune: [My chearful Mind a good Design shall frame]
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To the chief Musician upon Sushannim for the Sons of Korah, Maschil, a Song of Loves

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 First Line: My heart good matter boileth forth Lyrics: 1 My heart good matter boileth forth; My words I utter then, Concert the king, my tongue is like A ready writer's pen. 2 Thou fairer art than sons of men, Grace poured is in store Upon thy lips; God therefore hath Thee built for evermore. 3 Thy wasting sword, o mighty one, Gird thou upon thy thigh: Thy glorious magnificence, And comely majesty. 4 Ride forth upon the word of truth, meekness and righteousness; And thy right hand shall lead thee forth In works of dreadfulness. 5 Then arrows sharp: the people they Shall fall down under thee; Yea, in the heart (they shall fall down) Foes to the king that be 6 Thy throne's O God, for ev'r and aye, The scepter of thy state A scepter is of righteousness. 7 Thou wickedness dost hate. And lovest justice: God therefore Thy God hath ointed thee. With oyl of gladness them above That thy companions be. 8 Myrrh, aloes, and cassia's smell All of thy garments had: Out of the ivory palaces, Whereby they made thee glad. 9 Among thy honourable maids King's daughters present stand, The queen in finest Ophir gold Is set at thy right hand. 10 O daughter, hearken and behold, Do thou incline thine ear: See thine own people thou forget, And father's house most dear. 11 So in thy beauty to delight The king he shall accord. And bowing down, him worship thou Because he is thy Lord. 12 Then shall be present with a gift The daughter there of Tyre: The rich among the people they Thy favour shall desire. 13 The daughter of the king she is All glorious within: And with embroideries of gold Her garments wrought have been. 14 She is led in unto the king In robes with needle wrought: Her fellow virgins following her Shall unto thee be brought. 15 With gladness forth they shall be bro't, Also with joyfulness: So to the palace of the king They entring have access. 16 In their stead who thy fathers were Thy children they shall be: Whom thou may'st place in all the earth In princely dignity. 17 Thy name remembred I will make In generations all: Therefore for ever and for aye The people praise thee shall.
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Sublimer Thoughts inspire my Breast

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 Lyrics: 1. Sublimer Thoughts inspire my Breast; My Tongue, in softest Notes, to sing, Runs like a ready Writer's Pen, A Poem sacred to the King. 2. There's none of all the Sons of Men Can with thy matchless Form compare; Ail Grace into thy Lips is pour'd. Thee ever bless'd, doth God declare. 3. Gird then, O thou victorious Prince, Thy conqu'ring Sword upon thy Thigh; Appear, in all thy glorious State, Adorn'd with royal Majesty. 4. In all thy Pomp, ride prosp'rcus on. The Truth, Meekness, and Righteousness; Strongly assert, and thy Right-hand Shall teach Thee Wonders to express. 5. Thy pointed Arrows wing their Way, And peirce the stubborn Hearts of those That set themselves against the King; They fall, subdu'd, who were thy Foes. 6. Thy Throne, O God, thro' ev'ry Age, Forever unremov'd shall stand; Thy righteous Laws, and righteous Works, Confirm the Scepter in thy Hand. 7. Thou Justice lov'st, and hatest Sin; God, therefore, thine own God, hath shed, Above what all thy Fellows claim, The Oyl of Gladness on thy Head. 8. Myrrh, Aloes, and Cassia, Their Perfumes to thy Robes impart, As thou from th' Iv'ry Palace cam'st; Whose fragrant Smell rejoice thy Heart. 9. The Queen, in well-wrought Ophir's Gold,. Fair Bride, is plac'd at thy Right-hand; Kings Daughters, in her splendid Train, As Maids of Honour, waiting,stand. Second Part 10. O Daughter hearken, and attend. And to my Words encline thine Ear; Thy native Land, and Friends, forget, Thy Father's House, and Kindred dear. 11. So shall the King, with thy fresh Charms, But have his Love enflam'd the more; For he is now thy Head, thy Lord, Him therefore worship, and adore. 12. The Tyrian Daughters shall approach. And lay their Off'rings at thy Feet; The wealthy Nations, with their Gifts; Thy Royal Favour shall entreat. 13. The King's fair Daughter's glorious, In all Accomplishments Divine; Her Garments wrought with Phrygian Skill, With purest Gold, illustrious shine. 14. Thus, to the King, in nuptial Robes, By th' artful Needle curious wrought, With Fellow-Virgins foll'wing her, She shall, in royal Pomp, be brought. 15. Thro' shouting Crowds, and Peals of Joy, In State moves on the glitt'ring Train, Till the King's Palace them receive; And nought but endless Joys remain. 16. From thee, a num'rous royal Race, Shall, in thy Fathers Stead, descend; Whose Fame, as mighty Princes, shall Thro' universal Earth extend. 17. This Song shall spread thy great Renown, Thro' ev'ry Age, O glorious King; And Nations shall, while Time does last, In Consort joyn, thy Praise to sing.
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[Psalms 14 and 53]

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 First Line: Dear God, who loves all humankind, forgive our foolish ways Topics: Calling and Response; Calmness and Serenity; Discipleship and Service; Forgiveness from God; Jesus Christ Call of; Peace (Inner, Calmness, Serenity; Prayer; Repentance; Rest; Reverence/Wonder Before God; Service; Service Music Invitation to Prayer; Surrender; Trust Used With Tune: [Dear God, who loves all humankind]

Psalm 45

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 45 First Line: God has blessed you forever and ever Used With Tune: [God has blessed you forever and ever]


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