Steve Vest › Texts

Short Name: Steve Vest
Full Name: Vest, Steve

Steve Vest. I wrote the lyrics and tune of "He is Lord" in the spring of 1969. I was very active among the Jesus People. My original song only has two verses. Too many verses take away from the flow of the melody. It was written like a slow-motion roller coaster ride. The first verse is similar to your text. It starts with "For He is Lord," instead of "He is Lord."The second verse is:

You're My Lord, You're My Lord
You have risen from the dead, and You're my Lord.
With my knee, I will bow, and with my tongue, confess
That Jesus, You're My Lord.

I was the only composer of this song of 2 verses in 1969. I played it from Jacksonville, FL to Charleston, SC in numerous prayer meetings and revivals, and at the Cotton Bowl Explo '72 with Billy Graham and Campus Crusade for Christ. I also played it in Tallahassee, FL for Arthur Blessitt.

Steve Vest

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