Lawrence M. Probes › Hymnals

Short Name: Lawrence M. Probes
Full Name: Probes, Lawrence M.

Lawrence M. Probes, MD (born 1952, Ft. Worth, Texas) is an American Singer-Songwriter trained in classical music since early childhood with a background in Gospel, folk and popular music. As a young boy he took piano lessons, eventually playing the clarinet, then in Junior High School starting the bassoon. He went on to attend National Music Camp and Interlochen Arts Academy majoring in bassoon and voice, then after a semester at Eastman School of Music he decided to become a medical doctor and began premedical studies at Texas Christian University. While at TCU he played bassoon in the Ft. Worth Symphony, Opera and Ballet Orchestras, as well as in the Faculty Woodwind Quintet.

After graduating from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas Dr. Probes completed residency training in psychiatry at Michigan State University in its Grand Rapids, Michigan division. During residency and all through his 28 years in Grand Rapids Dr. Probes continued to play the bassoon professionally, performing occasionally with the Grand Rapids Symphony, free lancing and giving private bassoon lessons. After moving to Traverse City in 2006, Dr. Probes played bassoon with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra.

At Interlochen Arts Academy Dr. Probes studied voice with Kenneth Jewell. He performed folk music with singer-songwriter, Anne Hills, and classical singer and professor, Jerold Pope. Already an accomplished pianist, he taught himself guitar, upright and electric bass, mandolin, anglo concertina, bouzouki, penny whistle and violin. In Grand Rapids he performed with a family folk music band, "Kinsfolk." In Traverse City he formed the family folk music band, "Cherry Blossom Ramblers," as well as the tribute band, "Peter, Paul & Mary Remembered." He performs a wide range of musical genres: classical folk, country, singer-songwriter, old time, Irish traditional, Russian music, Spanish and Latin music, jazz, pop, Gospel and easy listening. Dr. Probes and his bands are in demand by festivals, churches, special events, and community concerts and fundraisers.

Dr. Probes has been interested in foreign languages since school years and has learned Russian, Spanish, German, Arabic and Frisian. He has traveled extensively in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union, and he sings in Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, French and Latin.

During his years in Grand Rapids Dr. Probes was on the music team at Church of the Servant (CRC). He composed music for the Epiphany and Easter liturgies that were used by the congregation for more than 20 years. "Arise, Be Clothed In The Light" from the Epiphany liturgy has been published in two hymnals. Dr. Probes has written a number of newer songs for Christian worship, and he and his family band serve on the worship team at Central United Methodist Church in Traverse City, Michigan.

Lawrence M. Probes

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