Bryan Jeffery Leech

Short Name: Bryan Jeffery Leech
Full Name: Leech, Bryan Jeffery, 1931-
Birth Year: 1931
Death Year: 2015

Bryan Jeffrey Leech was born in Middlesex, England in 1931. He came to the United States in 1955 and studied at Barrington College and North Park Seminary. He was ordained in 1961 and served in the Covenant Church. He composed more than 500 songs.

Dianne Shapiro

Texts by Bryan Jeffery Leech (37)AsAuthority LanguagesInstancessort ascending
O holy Dove of God descendingBryan Jeffrey Leech (b. 1931) (Author)English18
We gather here in Jesus' nameBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English17
We are God's people, the chosen of the LordBryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)English16
Let your heart be brokenBryan Jeffrey Leech, 1931 - (Author)English14
ReadingsBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English12
PrayersBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English8
Through all the world let every nation singBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English8
Kind and merciful God, we have sinned in your sightBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English7
Make room within my heart, O GodBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English7
All things are yours: we make that trueBryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)English6
Happy the home when God is there, And love fills everyone (Leech)Bryan Jeffery Leech (Alterer)6
Your cause be mine, great Lord DivineBrian Jeffery Leech (Author)English6
Praise the Savior, ye who know, Him Who can tell how much we owe HimBryan Jeffery Leech (Alterer (stanza 4))English5
Brethren, we have met to worshipBryan Jeffery Leech (Alterer)English4
Great hills may tremble and mountains may crumbleBryan Jeffrey Leech, 1931 - (Tr. (stanzas 2, 3))English4
This is a time to remember the greatness of the LordBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English4
Aun cuando cruja la tierra en tembloresBryan Jeffery Leech (Translator (English, vs. 2-3))Spanish3
[Glimpses of Glory]Bryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)English3
In the circle of each homeBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English3
Let God be GodBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English3
Lord of all leisure timeBryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)English3
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, Your branches are upliftedBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English3
All we do, our whole life throughBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English2
We are imperfect. God is FLAWLESS.Bryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English2
Happy the home when God is there, And love fills every breastBryan Jeffery Leech (Alterer)English2
I know that my Redeemer lives, Think of the joy this knowledge givesBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English2
In a time of trouble, in a time forlornByan Jeffery Leech (Author)English2
Let us celebrate the glories of our LordByran Jeffery Leech (Author)English2
Lord, we think of broken marriages, shattered families, abused childrenBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English2
Lord, when we praise you with glorious musicBryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)2
Our Father in heaven, to you be all praise!Bryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)2
Paloma Santa, descendiendoBryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)Spanish2
Reach for the glorious prizeBryan Jeffery Leech (Author)2
This is my song, O God of all the nationsBryan J. Leech (Author (vs. 4))English2
We are part of God's creationBryan Jeffery Leech, 1931- (Author)2
All creatures of our God and KingBryan Jeffery Leech (Author (st. 5))English1
Hark! the voice of Jesus crying, "Who will go and work today?"Bryan Jeffery Leech (Author)English1
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