Theodosia Pickering Garrison › Texts

Short Name: Theodosia Pickering Garrison
Full Name: Garrison, Theodosia Pickering, 1874-1944
Birth Year: 1874
Death Year: 1944

Born: 1874, Newark, New Jersey.

Garrison was a regular contributor to magazines, and also wrote:

Joy o’ Life, 1908
The Earth Cry, 1910
The Dreamers, 1917
As the Larks Rise, 1921


Theodosia Garrison also known as: Theodosia Pickering Garrison; Mrs. Frederic Faulks. Worked on the staff of Life Magazine; helped to organize the 250th Anniversary of the City of Newark, NJ (she was also born in Newark, NJ); resided in New Jersey. Was a houseguest of the famed poet E. Wilcox; made the Who's Who 1914 list.

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