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Ozora Stearns Davis
Short Name: Ozora Stearns Davis
Full Name: Davis, Ozora Stearns, 1866-1931
Birth Year: 1866
Death Year: 1931

Born: Ju­ly 30, 1866, Wheel­ock, Ver­mont.
Died: March 15, 1931, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.

Davis grew up in White Ri­ver Junc­tion, Ver­mont, and by age 15 was an ex­pert tel­e­graph op­er­at­or. He at­tend­ed St. Johns­bu­ry Acad­e­my and grad­u­at­ed from Dart­mouth Coll­ege, Han­o­ver, New Hamp­shire, in 1889. With the aid of a fel­low­ship from Hart­ford The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary, he earned a PhD in Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny. He pas­tored in Spring­field, Ver­mont; New­ton­ville, Mas­sa­chu­setts, and New Bri­tain, Con­nec­ti­cut. From 1909-29, he was pres­i­dent of Ch­i­ca­go The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary. In 1927 he be­came Mod­er­at­or of the Na­tion­al Coun­cil of Congrega­tion­al Church­es. His works in­clude:

John Ro­bin­son–The Pil­grim Pas­tor, 1903
Elihu Bur­ritt (New Bri­tain: 1907)
The Pil­grim Faith, 1913
Using the Bi­ble in Pub­lic Ad­dress, 1916
Meeting the Mas­ter, 1917
International As­pects of Chris­ti­an­i­ty, 1919
Comrades in the Great Cause
The Gos­pel in the Light of the Great War, 1919
Evangelistic Preach­ing, 1921
Preaching and the So­cial Gos­pel, 1922

Davis died near Kansas City, Missouri, while traveling with Grace, his wife, from Los Angeles to Chicago.


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