The Young Convert's Companion: Being a Collection of Hymns for the Use of Conference Meetings

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d101The wandering star and fleeting wind
d102Thee will I love, my dearest Lord
d103There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d104There's joy in heaven, and joy on earth
d105This wretched heart will still backslide
d106Thou only Sovereign of my heart
d107Thrice happy souls [men] [they], who born [heirs] from [of] heaven
d108Thus far my God hath [has] led me on
d109'Tis a point I long to know
d110'Tis my happiness below
d111To our Redeemer's glorious name, awake the sacred song
d112To those who see the Lord
d113Weeping sinner [sinners], dry your tears
d114What makes mistaken men afraid
d115What shall the dying sinner do
d116What strange perplexities arise
d117What various hindrances we meet
d118When Abraham's servant to procure
d119When first my soul enlisted
d120When gracious Lord, when shall it be
d121When Jesus stood before the bar
d122When, O dear Jesus, when shall I [we]
d123When with [my] mind divinely pressed
d124Whene'er I make some sudden stop
d125Where is my [our] God, does he retire
d126Where shall I fly but to thy feet
d127Where two or three, with sweet accord
d128While journeying through this humble vale
d129While my Redeemer's near
d130While thousands scorn the Savior's
d131Why, O my soul, why weepest thou
d132Why of crosses do we talk
d133Why of crosses do we talk
d134Why should my pining spirit be
d135With conscious guilt and bleeding heart
d136With heart [hearts] and lips unfeigned
d137With tears of anguish I lament
d138Within these doors assembled now
d139Ye dying sons of men
d140Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu
d141Ye little flock, whom Jesus feeds
d142Ye that pass by, behold the man
d143Ye trembling souls, who still decline
d144Ye who with grief survey

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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