Gems of Gospel Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1I know I love thee better, Lord[I know I love thee better, Lord]Page Scan
2Come unto me when shadows darkly gather[Come unto me when shadows darkly gather]Page Scan
3The hour of my departure[The hour of my departure]Page Scan
4There's a wonderful fountain of cleansing[There's a wonderful fountain of cleansing]Page Scan
5I am dwelling on the mountain[I am dwelling on the mountain]Page Scan
6I am bowed at the Cross[I am bowed at the Cross]Page Scan
7Oh! worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness[Oh! worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness]Page Scan
8I left it all with Jesus[I left it all with Jesus]Page Scan
9Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted?[Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted?]Page Scan
10High o'er the waves of Galilee[High o'er the waves of Galilee]Page Scan
11Are you ready for the Bridegroom[Are you ready for the Bridegroom]Page Scan
12Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish[Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish]Page Scan
13In the silent midnight watches[In the silent midnight watches]Page Scan
14In the courts of heav'n we'll sing a nobler song[In the courts of heav'n we'll sing a nobler song]Page Scan
15My Jesus the sinner receives![My Jesus the sinner receives!]Page Scan
16Lord, I believe a rest remains[Lord, I believe a rest remains]Page Scan
17Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness[Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness]Page Scan
18Are you willing, my sister, my brother[Are you willing, my sister, my brother]Page Scan
19Count the mercies, count the mercies[Count the mercies, count the mercies]Page Scan
20Come, weary sinner, to the Cross[Come, weary sinner, to the Cross]Page Scan
21Will you come, will you come, with your poor broken heart[Will you come, will you come, with your poor broken heart]Page Scan
22Lo! the zephyr, softly breathing[Lo! the zephyr, softly breathing]Page Scan
23Come to the Mighty One, trust in his power[Come to the Mighty One, trust in his power]Page Scan
24I had been grieving at the Cross[I had been grieving at the Cross]Page Scan
25Room at the Cross for a trembling soul[Room at the Cross for a trembling soul]Page Scan
26Oh! when the Saviour shall gather his jewels[Oh! when the Saviour shall gather his jewels]Page Scan
27Wake, sinner, wake! there's no time now for sleep[Wake, sinner, wake! there's no time now for sleep]Page Scan
28Floods of mercy break around us[Floods of mercy break around us]Page Scan
29List, the Spirit calls to thee[List, the Spirit calls to thee]Page Scan
30Jesus, only Jesus![Jesus, only Jesus!]Page Scan
31Children of the heavenly King[Children of the heavenly King]Page Scan
32Weary one, for comfort seeking[Weary one, for comfort seeking]Page Scan
33I am least of all thy children[I am least of all thy children]Page Scan
34Take my life and let it be[Take my life and let it be]Page Scan
35Blest assurance ever dear[Blest assurance ever dear]Page Scan
36Jesus in the temple, with the doctors wise[Jesus in the temple, with the doctors wise]Page Scan
37Salvation! Oh, the joyful sound[Salvation! Oh, the joyful sound]Page Scan
38I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of GodFORESTPage Scan
39Increase our faith, beloved Lord[Increase our faith, beloved Lord]Page Scan
40Oh! praise God! exalt him in rapturous lays[Oh! praise God! exalt him in rapturous lays]Page Scan
41O Jesus! when wounded with sin[O Jesus! when wounded with sin]Page Scan
42Our sins on Christ were laid[Our sins on Christ were laid]Page Scan
43Simply trusting every day[Simply trusting every day]Page Scan
44Forever here my rest shall beMEARPage Scan
45When the King in his beauty shall come to his throne[When the King in his beauty shall come to his throne]Page Scan
46Here, Lord, I bring my offering[Here, Lord, I bring my offering]Page Scan
47Grace! 'tis a charming sound[Grace! 'tis a charming sound]Page Scan
48Gates of the Beautiful, golden and bright[Gates of the Beautiful, golden and bright]Page Scan
49Have ye looked for my sheep in the desert[Have ye looked for my sheep in the desert]Page Scan
50Only thee, in joy or sorrow[Only thee, in joy or sorrow]Page Scan
51In the hour of trial[In the hour of trial]Page Scan
52Lord, my heart is bruised and bleeding[Lord, my heart is bruised and bleeding]Page Scan
53Anywhere with Jesus, says the Christian heart[Anywhere with Jesus, says the Christian heart]Page Scan
54I sit and think, when the evening shade[I sit and think, when the evening shade]Page Scan
55What shall it profit me by and by?[What shall it profit me by and by?]Page Scan
56I am asking for you of my Father above[I am asking for you of my Father above]Page Scan
57How shall I praise thee, Saviour dear[How shall I praise thee, Saviour dear]Page Scan
58Blessed Jesus, thou art mine[Blessed Jesus, thou art mine]Page Scan
59All my life long, I had panted[All my life long, I had panted]Page Scan
60No more my own, Lord Jesus[No more my own, Lord Jesus]Page Scan
61Seek I now the golden gate![Seek I now the golden gate!]Page Scan
62As Elim's wells in desert land[As Elim's wells in desert land]Page Scan
63Are you anchored, O my brother[Are you anchored, O my brother]Page Scan
64Where the turrets of the mansions[Where the turrets of the mansions]Page Scan
65Alone with Jesus! Oh! how sweet[Alone with Jesus! Oh! how sweet]Page Scan
66Sweetest promise ever uttered[Sweetest promise ever uttered]Page Scan
67Oh! wondrous love, the love of Christ![Oh! wondrous love, the love of Christ!]Page Scan
68We'll all gather home in the morning[We'll all gather home in the morning]Page Scan
69Jesus, lover of my soul[Jesus, lover of my soul]Page Scan
70O Christian, idle all the day![O Christian, idle all the day!]Page Scan
71To thee, O dear, dear Saviour[To thee, O dear, dear Saviour]Page Scan
72I want a present living faith[I want a present living faith]Page Scan
73My path is dark, Lord, very dark[My path is dark, Lord, very dark]Page Scan
74Hear Jesus knocking at the door of thy heart[Hear Jesus knocking at the door of thy heart]Page Scan
75The Lord is my light, then why should I fear[The Lord is my light, then why should I fear]Page Scan
76We will pray for one another, we will pray[We will pray for one another, we will pray]Page Scan
77Up the narrow heavenly road[Up the narrow heavenly road]Page Scan
78We're a happy pilgrim band[We're a happy pilgrim band]Page Scan
79Lead me gently home, Father[Lead me gently home, Father]Page Scan
80O sweet will of God! thou hast girded me round[O sweet will of God! thou hast girded me round]Page Scan
81How sad it would be, if when thou dost call[How sad it would be, if when thou dost call]Page Scan
82I have taken up the cross of Christ[I have taken up the cross of Christ]Page Scan
83Delay not to come to Christ![Delay not to come to Christ!]Page Scan
84Within the temple of my heart[Within the temple of my heart]Page Scan
85Why do you linger in darkness so long?[Why do you linger in darkness so long?]Page Scan
86Cling closer to Jesus[Cling closer to Jesus]Page Scan
87I love to wait[I love to wait]Page Scan
88All my doubts like clouds have vanished[All my doubts like clouds have vanished]Page Scan
89There is a fountain deep and wide[There is a fountain deep and wide]Page Scan
90"Lord, is it I?" I ask in tears and sadness["Lord, is it I?" I ask in tears and sadness]Page Scan
91While Jesus is my Saviour[While Jesus is my Saviour]Page Scan
92The gentle, holy Jesus[The gentle, holy Jesus]Page Scan
93Five of them were wise when the Bridegroom came[Five of them were wise when the Bridegroom came]Page Scan
94Sorrowing sinner, weep no more[Sorrowing sinner, weep no more]Page Scan
95Come, O my God, the promise seal[Come, O my God, the promise seal]Page Scan
96Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit[Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit]Page Scan
97Take your sins to Jesus[Take your sins to Jesus]Page Scan
98Jesus found me at the Jordan[Jesus found me at the Jordan]Page Scan
99My heavenly home is bright and fair[My heavenly home is bright and fair]Page Scan
100Not worthy, Lord! to gather up the crumbs[Not worthy, Lord! to gather up the crumbs]Page Scan

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