Garden of Spices: a choice collection for revival meetings, missionary meetings, rescue work, church and Sunday schools

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301While fighting for my Master herePage Scan
302O sweet will of God! thou hast girdedPage Scan
303O do not let the Word departPage Scan
304Shall this life of mine be wasted?Page Scan
305Precious worker, danger signalsPage Scan
306Jesus, plant and root in mePage Scan
307The morning light is breakingPage Scan
308A rich man was he, and his acres were broadPage Scan
309Sowing the seed by the daylight fairPage Scan
310There is a time we know not whenPage Scan
311O, for the vital, mighty faithPage Scan
312Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepPage Scan
313Look, ye saints, the sight is gloriousPage Scan
314I will follow thee, my SaviorPage Scan
315Jerusalem! my happy home!Page Scan
316Try us, O God, and search the groundPage Scan
317I have a Savior, he's pleading in gloryPage Scan
318O for that flame of living firePage Scan
319Oh! the bitter pain and sorrowPage Scan
320Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
321Jewel-gatherers for a crownPage Scan
322I know my sins are all forgivenPage Scan
323While God invites, how blest the day!Page Scan
324I storm the gate of strifePage Scan
325There's a highway for the ransomedPage Scan
326Let worldly minds the world pursuePage Scan
327When I can read my title clearPage Scan
328And can it be that I should gainPage Scan
329O God, my heart doth long for theePage Scan
330I love to tell the storyPage Scan
331The conflict is over, the tempest is pastPage Scan
332O glorious hope of perfect lovePage Scan
333Amen to the truth, even so let it bePage Scan
334Listen, sinner, will you listenPage Scan
335We're bound for the land of the pure and the holyPage Scan
336My Jesus I love Thee, I know thou art minePage Scan
337O who'll stand up for JesusPage Scan
338I dreamed that the great judgment morningPage Scan
339Did you hear what Jesus said to me?Page Scan
340Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wholePage Scan
341Though troubles assail, and dangers affrightPage Scan
342When Moses and the IsraelitesPage Scan
343The sands of time are sinkingPage Scan
344Go, thou messenger of heavenPage Scan
345Earthly friendships all are riv'nPage Scan
346God's light has now revealedPage Scan
347He cometh! he cometh!Page Scan

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