Gems of Praise (Choice Collection of Sacred Melodies)

Editor: J. R. Sweney
Publisher: Methodist Episcopal Book Room, Philadelphia , 1876
Denomination: Methodist Episcopal Church (North)
Language: English
Notes: Page scans:
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d102O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d103O how sweet is the soul cheering thought
d104O it is joy to believe
d105O Jesus, my Savior, at last
d106O lead me to Jesus, I'm tired
d107O sometimes the shadows are deep
d108O the love of my Savior
d109O weary and wandering one
d110O what shall I do to be saved from the sorrows
d111O where shall rest be found
d112O wondrous thought, and can it be
d113Of him who did salvation bring I could for ever think and sing
d114On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d115Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
d116Our days are swiftly gliding by
d117Our Father said that precious word
d118Over and over again
d119Over Eden's bowers, once so fair
d120Passing, Lord, by vale and mountain
d121Plunged in a [the] gulf of dark [deep] despair
d122Resting in Jesus all the day
d123Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d124Rouse thee, soul, the day is fleeting
d125Sad and weary with my longing
d126See where the living waters glide
d127Simply trusting every day
d128Sitting at the feet of Jesus, O what words
d129Strike your harps to richer music
d130Suffer little children to come unto me, Let the little children come
d131Sweetly I'm resting in Jesus
d132Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow
d133Take up thy cross, the Savior said, If thou wouldst my disciple be
d134The harvest is passed
d135The Lord is my Rock, so steadfast
d136The Master has come and he calleth for thee[The Master has come and He calleth for thee]Text Info
d137The Savior is calling you sinner
d138The storm is wildly rushing by
d139There are songs of joy that I loved to sing
d140There dawns a golden vision
d141There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d142There is a glorious world of light
d143There is a home eternal, beautiful and bright
d144There is plenty to do in this world of ours
d145There is work to be done by the Master
d146There stands a rock on shores of time
d147There's a gentle knock at the door
d148They have reached the sunny shore
d149Though clouds may rise in the distant skies
d150'Tis easy to stand on a vessel's deck
d151To Jesus' blood I owe my soul's supremest good
d152To the cross of Christ, my Savior
d153To the land of peace and love
d154To thy cross, dear Christ, I'm clinging
d155Tossing on the billow, rocking in the blast
d156Touch not the cup
d157True the path of life is rugged
d158Wake, O Zion, wake to gladness
d159We are a little gleaning band
d160We are toiling up the way
d161We hail this happy Christmas day
d162We have met in thy name
d163We press towards the golden shore
d164We will meet beyond the river
d165Welcome, sweet day of rest
d166Welcome, welcome, gladly welcome
d167What mean this eager, anxious throng
d168When earth's boisterous storms arising
d169When, his salvation bringing [sending]
d170When I can read my title clear
d171When pressed with guilt
d172When sick of inbred sin
d173When the rosy lights of morning
d174When we reach the golden city, When we pass
d175While clinging to Jesus with unyielding hold
d176While passing through the busy street
d177While wayworn and weary
d178Who is here to enter the army
d179Why should we weep when friends have passed
d180With joy we meditate the [thy] grace
d181With my sin wounded soul
d182Ye shall shine as the stars
d183Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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