The Christian Psalmist

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d701To prayer, to prayer, for the morning breaks
d702To thee be praise forever
d703To thee, my Shepherd [Savior] and my Lord [Lamb]
d704To thee, O blessed Savior
d705Today if ye [you] will hear his voice
d706Together let us sweetly live
d707Tomorrow, Lord, is thine
d708'Twas by an order from the Lord
d709'Twas on a sultry summer's day
d710'Twas the commission of our [the] Lord
d711Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tomb
d712Up to thee, Almighty Father, Ancient of eternal days
d713Waked by the trumpet's sound
d714We lift our hearts to thee, O [Our] [Thou] Day-Star
d715We shall meet no more to part
d716We sing the glories of thy love
d717We sing the Savior's wondrous death
d718We speak of the realms of the blest
d719Weary pilgrim, why this [the] sadness
d720Weep not for him that dieth
d721Welcome, sweet day of rest
d722Welcome, thou well beloved of God
d723Well met, dear friends, in Jesus' name
d724We're passing from the earth away
d725We're traveling to our heavenly home
d726We've no abiding city here
d727What a mercy, what a treasure
d728What could your Redeemer do
d729What glory gilds the sacred page
d730What sinners value, I resign
d731What sound is this, a song [sound] through heaven resounding
d732What wondrous, mighty work is this
d733What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame
d734When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d735When around us life is shining
d736When floating on [o'er] [in] life's troubled sea
d737When for [the] eternal [heavenly] world [worlds] I [we] steer
d738When gloomy thoughts and fears
d739When I can read my title clear
d740When I look o'er the waste of years
d741When I see the hanging, bleeding
d742When I set out for heaven
d743When Jacob, the pilgrim, was wearied by day
d744When Jesus first to rescue man
d745When marshalled on the nightly [mighty] plain
d746When morning reviveth her beams
d747When on Sinai's top I see
d748When shall I see the day that ends my woes
d749When shall the voice of singing flow
d750When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d751When shall we three meet again
d752When the orb of morn enlightens
d753When the Savior appears
d754When the warfare is ended Hallelujah crying
d755When the worn spirit wants repose
d756When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming
d757When we pass through yonder river
d758Where are the fathers who guided our youth
d759Where countless throngs in spirit one
d760Where shall true believers go
d761Where two or three, with sweet accord
d762While life prolongs its precious light
d763While my Redeemer's near
d764While thee I [we] seek, protecting power
d765While with ceaseless [careless] course the sun
d766Who are these [those] arrayed in white
d767Who has our report believed
d768Who is this that comes from far
d769Who will go to rear the standard
d770Why droops my soul [our souls] with grief [guilt] [sin] oppressed
d771Why silent and sad, dost thou stand
d772Why stand ye here idle, my friends, all the day
d773Wide, ye heavenly gates, unfold
d774With cheerful notes let all the earth
d775With Isr'l's God who can compare
d776With joy we hail the sacred day
d777With my substance I will honor my Redeemer
d778Within thy house, O Lord, our God
d779Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaim
d780Ye daughters of Zion, declare, have you seen
d781Ye nations round [of] the earth, rejoice
d782Ye servant [servants] of the Lord, Each in his [your] office waits
d783Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears
d784Ye virgin [waiting] souls, arise
d785Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor Behold a royal feast
d786Yes, the Redeemer rose [lives]; The Savior left the dead
d787Yes, we trust the day is breaking
d788Yon spot in the churchyard
d789You burdened souls, to Jesus go
d790You dying sons of men
d791You may sing of the beauty [beauties] of mountain and dale
d792You saints of God, arise and sing
d793Your harps, ye [you] trembling [mourning] [tearful], saints
d794Zion, bright and fair, strong thy bulwarks are

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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