Products for Sing Joyfully #377

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SATB Sheet Music
Shipped by Hope Publishing
Arrangement By Schrader, Jack

Note: Hope products can only be shipped within the U.S. currently.
File download from Digital Songs and Hymns
* This song is a Powerpoint presentation with notes and lyrics, suitable for projection.
* Each song comes in 15 different formats. (See free sample)
* It does not include audio or a printable score…
Shipped by Lorenz Publishing
This favorite gospel song is tenderly re-created in tasteful a superbly crafted setting. Blending brief and easily learned "a cappella" passages with sensitive and supportive accompanied sections, thi…
SATB Piano Lent
Shipped by Lorenz Publishing
"Lord, I'm Coming Home" is an inspired match of melody and text. The traditional folk melody is marked by flowing unison moments, while Dvořák's "Largo" theme is used for the refrain: "Coming home,…
File download from Digital Songs and Hymns
* This song is a Powerpoint presentation with notes and lyrics, suitable for projection.
* Each song comes in 15 different formats. (See free sample)
* It does not include audio or a printable score…
File download from Lorenz Publishing
Todd Beaney’s first piano collection, "A New Song," struck a responsive chord among church pianists with its rhythmic creativity and harmonic freshness. Todd continues his exploration of the hymnal…
File download from Lorenz Publishing
Like most organists, you are probably on a constant lookout for new, fresh, interesting hymn settings to help you through many a busy church year. Well, here they are! Between the covers of this sumpt…
Shipped by Lorenz Publishing
Like most organists, you are probably on a constant lookout for new, fresh, interesting hymn settings to help you through many a busy church year. Well, here they are! Between the covers of this sumpt…
Shipped by Lorenz Publishing
Todd Beaney’s first piano collection, "A New Song," struck a responsive chord among church pianists with its rhythmic creativity and harmonic freshness. Todd continues his exploration of the hymnal…
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