1 'Twas on that night when doomed to know
the eager rage of every foe,
that night in which he was betrayed,
the Saviour of the world took bread;
2 And, after thanks and glory given
to him that rules in earth and heaven,
that symbol of his flesh he broke,
and thus to all his followers spoke:
3 'My broken body thus I give
for you, for all; take, eat, and live:
and oft the sacred rite renew
that brings my wondrous love to view.'
4 Then in his hands the cup he raised,
and God anew he thanked and praised,
while kindness in his bosom glowed,
and from his lips salvation flowed.
5 'My blood I thus pour forth,' he cries,
'to cleanse the soul in sin that lies;
in this the covenant is sealed,
and heaven's eternal grace revealed.
6 'With love to man this cup is fraught,
let each partake the sacred draught;
through latest ages let it pour
in memory of my dying hour.'