Browsing topics in Gifts of Love: new hymns for today's worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Evangelism#5God of the women who answered your call
Evangelism#7Sing out! Sound the trumpets! Proclaim jubilee!
Evangelism#10God's great love Is so amazing!
Evangelism#18We thank you, God, for teachers
Evangelism#19O God, in your love you have made us unique
Evangelism#28God, we sing and worship, joining friends and neighbors
Families and Marriage#6Gifts of love our Lord has given, Words of life "I'm your God!
Families and Marriage#18We thank you, God, for teachers
Families and Marriage#19O God, in your love you have made us unique
Families and Marriage#29God, in joy we gather, giving thanks for marriage
Funeral and Witness to the Resurrection#13I believe in God the Father
Funeral and Witness to the Resurrection#30God, we walk through death's deep valley
Good Friday#13I believe in God the Father
Good Friday#24God, what a faith-filled mystery
Holy Spirit#4Spirit of God, you moved over the waters
Holy Spirit#13I believe in God the Father
Holy Spirit#26Creator of the water that makes the world so green
Jesus ChristMinistry#5God of the women who answered your call
Jesus ChristMinistry#7Sing out! Sound the trumpets! Proclaim jubilee!
Jesus ChristMinistry#34God, how many are a thousand
