Browsing topics in Gifts of Love: new hymns for today's worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Christian unity#16God of generations, we are all your children
Christian unity#17"Hear my prayer for unity,"
Christian unity#36Christ be with us, Christ behind us
Christmas#13I believe in God the Father
Christmas#22In a feedbox, in a stable
Christmas#23What a world of sound it must have
Confirmation#28God, we sing and worship, joining friends and neighbors
Covenant/Salvation History#3Long ago, God reached in love
Covenant/Salvation History#5God of the women who answered your call
Covenant/Salvation History#6Gifts of love our Lord has given, Words of life "I'm your God!
Creation#2God made the heavens and the earth
Creation#4Spirit of God, you moved over the waters
Creation#13I believe in God the Father
Creation#34God, how many are a thousand
Earth Day/Environment#2God made the heavens and the earth
Easter#5God of the women who answered your call
Easter#13I believe in God the Father
Easter#25Early on a Sunday, women went to weep
Eucharist/Lord's Supper#27We gather at your table, Lord
Eucharist/Lord's Supper#36Christ be with us, Christ behind us
