Browse Lectionary Hymns

Year B, Lent, Second Sunday

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First Reading: ;
Second Reading:
Gospel: ;


These hymns have been hand-selected by a Hymnary editor as corresponding to this lectionary week.

Thematic Recommendations


Take Up Thy Cross, the Savior Said

This is recommended for Year B, Lent, Second Sunday by 3 hymnal lectionary indexes.

Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart

This is recommended for Year B, Lent, Second Sunday by 2 hymnal lectionary indexes.

Recommendations for Genesis 17:1-7

Thus Saith the Mercy of the Lord

Scripture: This is recommended for Genesis 17:7 by 11 hymnal scripture indexes including Trinity Psalter Hymnal #190.

Recommendations for Psalm 22:23-31

Christ's Sufferings and Kingdom

Scripture: This is recommended for Psalm 22:27-31 by 12 hymnal scripture indexes.

Christ's Sufferings and Exaltation

Scripture: This is recommended for Psalm 22 by 13 hymnal scripture indexes.

Recommendations for Mark 8:31-38


Take Up Thy Cross, the Savior Said

Scripture: This is recommended for Mark 8:34 by 17 hymnal scripture indexes including Journeysongs (3rd ed.) #501 and Trinity Psalter Hymnal #511.

Scripture: This is recommended for Mark 8:38 by 17 hymnal scripture indexes including Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #511.