我神乃是大能堡壘 (A mighty Fortress is our God) › Products

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Organ Moderately Easy Reformation
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
Composers represented: Burkhardt, Callahan, Langlois, Manz.

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word

Holy God, We Praise Your N…
Organ Medium Difficulty
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
A collection featuring over 20 pieces of service music with fanfares, interludes and meditations all written in an accessible style.
Organ Moderately Difficult
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
This is the fourth installment in a series of publications by Michael Burkhardt that seeks to provide much needed new editions of essential organ literature. This edition focuses on Chorale settings f…
Organ Medium Difficulty
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
Now includes a Bonus CD!Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church
musician. His years of leading worship from the console are…
Organ Moderately Easy
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
Introductions and harmonizations on fourteen often used tunes add to the congregation's efforts without overly obsuring the tempo or melody. The introductions capture the character of the hymn but are…
Piano Medium Difficulty
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
This collection consists of hymns associated with the church and community, including The Sovereignty of God, The Church Triumphant, and Baptism. They are useful as preludes, offertories, postludes, b…
Organ Moderately Difficult
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
Reissue and update of 1970 publication. Terse announcement of hymn to congregation- sometimes suggests melodic line, sometimes announces entire melody. Some also as optional varied accompaniments.
Organ Medium Difficulty Thanksgiving
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
Five sturdy hymn tunes in improvisatory style. Extended hymn intros, organ preludes, postludes.

A Mighty Fortress

Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain
Organ Moderately Difficult Reformation
Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers
Eight variations of "A Mighty Fortress" EIN FESTE BURG in contrasting moods and textures, including pedal solo and three variations in parallel minor key. Tonal language contemporary, but mostly diat…
File download from Lorenz Publishing
With moods ranging from introspective reflection to jubilant affirmation, these hymns settings all receive the special masterful touch of pianist/composer John Purifoy. Obviously created for use in a…


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