Los que esperan a Jehová

Los que esperan a Jehová Nuevas fuerzas tendrán

Author: Alfredo Colom
Published in 11 hymnals

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Author: Alfredo Colom

Alfredo Colom was a prolific songwriter from Guatemala. He held public office, but ruined his life with alcohol and was considering suicide when an indigenous Guatemalan Christian gave him a New Testament. Eventually he surrendered his life to Christ serving in music and evangelism on the radio and in travels throughout Central and South America. Footnote from Singing the New Testament, hymn #36 Go to person page >



Instances (1 - 11 of 11)

¡Despertad y cantad! #a124

¡Despertad y cantad! #b124

¡Despertad y cantad! #124

Alabanzas Favoritas No. 2 #140

Celebremos Su Gloria #365

El Himnario Bautista de la Gracia #487

Himnario Bautista #313

Himnario de Alabanza Evangélica #313

Himnos de Fe y Alabanza #225

Himnos de la Iglesia #347

Santo, Santo, Santo #59

Exclude 3 pre-1979 instances
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