Distracted by the World's Concerns (Kono yo no tsutome ito sewashiku)

Kono yo no tsutome ito sewashiku (Distracted by the world's concerns and filled with petty fear)

Author: Yūki Kō (由木康); Translator (English): Vern Rossman
Published in 1 hymnal

Representative text cannot be shown for this hymn due to copyright.

Author: Yūki Kō (由木康)

(Precise birth and death dates: 1896.4.16-1985.1.27) Born in 1896 in Tottori Prefecture, he was educated at Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya. In 1921, he was installed as the pastor of Tokyo Futaba Independent Church, the predecessor of the Kyodan’s Higashi Nakano Church.He also was a lecturer at Aoyama Gakuin University and a member of the Board of the Christian School of Music. He passed away in 1985. -https://uccj-e.org/knl/1154.html (19 April 2021) Go to person page >

Translator (English): Vern Rossman

(no biographical information available about Vern Rossman.) Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Kono yo no tsutome ito sewashiku (Distracted by the world's concerns and filled with petty fear)
Title: Distracted by the World's Concerns (Kono yo no tsutome ito sewashiku)
Author: Yūki Kō (由木康)
Translator (English): Vern Rossman
Language: English; Japanese
Copyright: © 1990, JNCC


Instances (1 - 1 of 1)

Sound the Bamboo #69

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