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1 If glorious Angels do rejoice When Sinners turn to God, Let us unite with chearful Voice To spread his Praise abroad. 2 When Jesus unto Jordan came, And was baptiz'd of John, A Voice from Heaven did proclaim 'Tis my beloved Son. 3 His Ministers he sent about To preach the Word of Grace, And to baptize the World throughout, Who should his Truth embrace. 4 Lord we have here before your Eyes, Some that have set their Hands To serve thee, and to be baptiz'd As thou didst give Command. 5 Glory to God who reigns above, For his abounding Grace, In this the Token of his Love To us a guilty Race. 6 Let us employ our Tongues to sing The Praises of the Lord, For calling Sinners home to him By his all-powerful Word. | The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns: collected from various authors, designed for the worship of God, and for the edification of Christians (1st Ed.) #CXXI (1791) |