I have fought the Christian fight

I have fought the Christian fight

Author: Heinrich Albert; Translator: William Martin Czamanske
Published in 3 hymnals

Author: Heinrich Albert

Alberti, or Albert, Heinrich, son of Johann Albert, tax collector at Lobenstein, in Voigtland (Reuss), born at Lobenstein, June 28, 1604. After some time spent in the study of law at Leipzig, lie went to Dresden and studied music under his uncle Heinrich Schutz, the Court Capellmeister. He went to Konigsberg in 1626, and was, in 1631, appointed organist of the Cathedral. In 1636 he was enrolled a member of the Poetical Union of Konigsberg, along with Dach, Roberthin, and nine others. He died at Konigsberg, Oct. 6, 1651. His hymns, which exhibit him as of a pious, loving, true, and artistic nature, appeared, with those of the other members of the Union, in his Arien etliche theils geistliche, theils iceltliche zur Andacht, guten Sitten, Keus… Go to person page >

Translator: William Martin Czamanske

Born: Aug­ust 26, 1873, Gran­ville, Wis­con­sin. Died: Jan­u­a­ry 7, 1964. Buried: Saint Johns Lu­ther­an Cem­e­tery - North Wil­low Creek, Ver­non Cen­ter, Min­ne­so­ta. Czamanske grad­u­at­ed from Con­cor­dia Col­lege, Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin (1894) and Con­cor­dia Sem­in­a­ry, St. Louis, Mis­sou­ri (1898). Or­dained in 1898, he served at Lu­ther­an church­es near Ma­del­ia, Min­ne­so­ta (1898-1902); West Hen­ri­et­ta, New York (1902-04); Ro­ches­ter, New York (1904-10); and She­boy­gan, Wis­con­sin, (1910-51). He con­trib­ut­ed po­ems to the Lu­ther­an Wit­ness, Sun­day School Times, Etude, Ex­po­si­tor, and North­west­ern Lu­ther­an. He was a mem­ber of the sub­c… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: I have fought the Christian fight
German Title: Einen guten Kampf hab' ich
Author: Heinrich Albert
Translator: William Martin Czamanske
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 3 of 3)

The Selah Song Book (Das Sela Gesangbuch) #d291

Page Scan

The Selah Song Book (Das Sela Gesangbuch) (2nd ed) #531a

The Selah Song Book. Word ed. #d141

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