1 Good news from heaven to earth I bear
And now with you will gladly share;
My story is a joyful lay,
So hear what I shall have to say.
2 This night to you is born a Child,
The chosen Virgin's Infant mild,
And He, a Child of lowly birth,
Shall be the Joy of all the earth.
3 This sign I, too, would have you mark:
the swaddling clothes, the manger dark;
In these the Infant now is laid
By whom both heaven and earth were made.
4 His is the Christ, our God and Lord,
Whose name we praise with one accord;
Your Savior He has deigned to be,
And from kingdom bright and fair
You shall with us His glory share.
5 Rich gifts He has in store for you,
Prepared by God, our Father true;
In yonder kingdom bright and fair
You shall with us His glory share.
6 Oh, let us then most happy be
And with the shepherds go to see
what blessings God for us has won
by sending us His only Son.
7 To that small crib direct your eyes;
Behold a a gift that angels prize!
Who is this Child so wondrous fair?
The blessed Christ-child lieth there.
8 We welcome Thee, most noble Guest,
Through whom this sinful world is blest.
Thy coming is a boon for me;
What thanks shall I return to Thee?
Source: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #92