Dios de gracia, Dios de gloria

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Translator: Federico J. Pagura

Federico José Pagura was an Argentine Methodist bishop and author and translator of hymns. Leland Bryant Ross Go to person page >

Author: Harry E. Fosdick

Born: May 24, 1878, Buf­fa­lo, New York. Died: Oc­to­ber 5, 1969, Bronx­ville, New York. Fosdick at­tend­ed Col­gate Un­i­ver­si­ty, Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry, and Co­lum­bia Un­i­ver­si­ty. Or­dained in 1903, he pas­tored at the First Bap­tist Church in Mont­clair, New Jer­sey, from 1904 to 1915. At Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry, he lec­tured on Bap­tist prin­ci­ples and hom­i­le­tics (1908-1915) and was pro­fess­or of prac­ti­cal the­ol­o­gy (1915-1946). He al­so found time to serve as as­so­ci­ate min­is­ter at the First Pres­by­ter­i­an Church in Man­hat­tan, New York (1919-1925), and pas­tor of Park Av­e­nue Bap­tist Church (1929-1946). His pic­ture… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Dios de gracia, Dios de gloria
English Title: God of grace and God of glory
Translator: Federico J. Pagura
Author: Harry E. Fosdick
Language: Spanish
Copyright: Trans. © 1962 Federico J. Pagura



The popularity of Williams's text ("Guide me, O thou great Jehovah") is undoubtedly aided by its association with CWM RHONDDA, composed in 1905 by John Hughes (b. Dowlais, Glamorganshire, Wales, 1873; d. Llantwit Fardre, Wales, 1932) during a church service for a Baptist Cymanfa Ganu (song festival)…

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Instances (1 - 9 of 9)

¡Cantad al Señor! #51

Page Scan

Alabanzas Favoritas No. 2 #162

Cáliz de Bendiciones #287

Celebremos Su Gloria #455

El Himnario #211

El Himnario Presbiteriano #211

Mil Voces para Celebrar #287

Praise y Adoración #223b

Toda La Iglesia Canta #63

Include 3 pre-1979 instances
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