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Hymnal, Number:dhss1800

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A Soldier of the Cross

Appears in 1,947 hymnals First Line: Am I a soldier of the cross
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CHRIST"S Resurrection

Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Christ our Lord is ris'n to-day Lyrics: 1 Christ our Lord is ris'n to-day, Our triumphant holy way; Who so lately on the cross Suffer'd to redeem our loss. 2 In our paschal joys and feast Let the Lord of life be blest, Let the holy three be prais'd, And to heaven our songs be rais'd, 3 Christ our lord is risen to-day, Christ our light, our life our way, The object of our love and faith, Who by dying conquer'd death. 4 The holy martyrs early came To weep o'er the Savior's tomb; Two bright angels did appear, Who said Jesus is not here. 5 Where is he, O tell us where, His bless'd residence declare; Jesus seek among the dead, Far from these dark regions fled. 6 First the sacred place behold, In rapture your dear Lord unfold; Then lift your eyes and raise your voice, In songs of praise we will rejoice. 7 Haste ye females from the sight, Make to Gallilee your flight, And to his disciples say, Jesus Christ is ris'n to-day. 8 Heralds of our joy to you, Grateful thanks and love are due; With songs to God and praises high, We'll together magnify. 9 The cross is past the crown is won, The ransom paid and death's sting gone; Let us feast, and sing, and say, Jesus Christ is ris'n to-day.
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The Sinner's call rejected

Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Come all you've spent your blooming days Lyrics: 1 Come all you've spent your blooming days In our own lusts and Satan's ways; Bow down to God, confess your sin, Lest you should never enter in-- 2 In through the gate that is on high, Which leads to joys above the sky; Where all the saints their voices raise, Rejoice and sing their maker's praise. 3 All who do wish to pass this gate, Must walk upright and very straight; If you should miss this gate I know, Down to a burning hell you'll go. 4 There endless sorrow, endless pain, Without a hope of peace again; Oh! then your aching souls will say, "Why did we God so disobey!" 5 His hand was stretch'd forth all the day, We cannot have one word to say; For we have had many a call, And we like fools rejected all. 6 One word of caution to the young, Who never have God's praise sung; Give up to Christ before's too late, Or else in heal you'll have your fate. 7 Down with the hellish devils there, Lock'd down in horror and despair; But Oh! the formidable cries, That fill the earth and reach the skies. 8 They turn their eyes to heaven and see, Where all the righteous people be; Look down into a gaping hell, See where the devil's host doth dwell. 9 This heaven is a happy place, Where ev'ry soul is fill'd with grace; This hell it is a place of spite, Where sorrows there are infinite. 10 Come mind the words which I have penn'd, Lest down to hell God should you send: The place I will describe once more, "Tis where the devils always roar.
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The Weary Traveller

Appears in 58 hymnals First Line: Come all ye weary travellers Lyrics: 1 Come all ye weary travellers, Now let us join and sing The everlasting praises Of Jesus our great king. We've had a tedious journey, And tiresome 'tis true; But see how many dangers The Lord has brought us through. 2 At first when Jesus found us, He call'd us unto him, And pointed out the danger Of falling into sin. The world, the flesh and Satan Would prove a fatal snare, Unless we did reject them By faith and humble pray'r. 3 But by our disobedience, With sorrow we confess, We have had long to wander, In a dark wilderness; Where we might long have fainted, In that enchanted ground, But now and then a cluster Of pleasant grapes we found. 4 The pleasant fruits of Canaan, Give life, and joy, and peace, Revive our drooping spirits, And love and strength increase, To confess our Lord and master, And run at his command, And hasten on our journey Unto the promis'd land. 5 With faith, and hope, and patience, We're made for to rejoice; And Jesus and his people Forever are our choice, In peace and consolation We now are going on, The pleasing way to Canaan, Where Jesus Christ is gone. 6 Sinners, why stand you idle, While we do march along? Has conscience never told you, That you are going wrong, Down the broad road to darkness, To bear an endless curse? Forsake your ways of sinning, And come and go with us. 7 But if you will refuse it, We bid you all farewell; We're on the road to Canaan And you the road to hell; We're sorry for to leave you, We'd rather you would go; Come, try a bleeding Savior, And see the waters flow. 8 Now to the king immortal Be everlasting praise, For in his holy service We long to spend our days, Till we arrive at Canaan Celestial world above, With everlasting wonder To praise redeeming love.
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CHRIST"S Invitation

Appears in 61 hymnals First Line: Come brethren and sisters that love my dear Lord Lyrics: 1 Come brethren and sisters that love my dear Lord, I pray give attention and ear to my word; What a wonder of mercies behold now I see, What a tender kind Savior has done for poor me. 2 I was led by the devil till lost and distress'd, I tho't that in torments I soon should be cast, No peace to the wicked, but all misery, Till by faith I saw Jesus hang bleeding for me. 3 Oh sinner, said Jesus, you you I have dy'd, All glory to Jesus, my soul then reply'd: The guilt was remov'd, my soul did rejoice, The blood was applied, the witness and voice. 4 On my low bending knees before God I did fall, All glory to Jesus, for he's all in all; The heart of this rebel was bursted in twain, At sight of Christ Jesus on Calvary slain. 5 There was peace now in heaven and peace upon earth, The angels rejoice at a poor sinner's birth: Your sins are forgiven, my Savior did say, Oh! witness kind heaven, on this my birth-day. 6 My soul it was humbled, I fell to the ground The time of refreshing at length I have found, Oh Lord, thou hast ravish'd my soul with thy charms, Let me die like Simeon, with Christ in my arms.
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The Christian's complaint, and prayer for the Impenitent

Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Ah! woe is me constrain'd to dwell Lyrics: 1 Ah! woe is me, constrain'd to dwell Among the sons of night: Poor sinners dropping into hell, Who hate the gospel light. 2 Wild as the untam'd Arab's race, Who from their Savior fly, And trample on his pard'ning grace, And all his threats defy. 3 Yet here alas! in pain I live, Where Satan keeps his seat, And day bey day for those I grieve, Who will to sin submit. 4 With gushing eyes their deeds I see, Their punishment is nigh, I ask with him who ransom'd me, Why will you sin and die? 5 Jesus, redeemer of mankind Display thy saving pow'r'; Thy mercy let those outcasts find, To know their gracious hour. 6 Ah! give them Lord a longer space, Nor suddenly consume; But let them take the proffer'd grace, And flee the wrath to come. 7 Open their eyes and ears, to see Thy cross, to hear the cries, Sinner thy Savior weeps for thee, For thee he weeps and dies. 8 All the day long he meekly stands, His rebels to receive; And shews his wounds, and spreads his hands, And bids you turn and live.
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The Christian's Invitation and Determination

Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Come now poor sinners share a part Lyrics: 1 Come now poor sinners share a part, And give the blessed Christ your heart, Come, we will take you by the hand, Come, go with us to Canaan's land. 2 Leave all your carnal loves and toys, And seek with us those solid joys; For soon in glory we shall rise, And there enjoy the lasting prize. 3 But if with us ye will not go, And seek this Jesus for to know; Then we must bid you all adieu, For by his grace we'll him pursue.
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Invitation to sin sick souls to come to Jesus for relief

Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Come sinners now approach your God Lyrics: 1 Come sinners now approach your God, With new melodious songs; Behold the treasures of his blood, Have cleans'd a num'rous throng. 2 See Jesus stand with open arms, Inviting you to come; Hear how his mercy sweetly charms, And tells you there is room. 3 "But hark! methinks I hear you say, "I'm an unworthy soul, "I've sinn'd my day of grace away, "I hear his thunders roll. 4 "My sins are of a crimson dye, "And I'm a captive led; "Can such a sinful soul as I, "Be from this bondage freed? 5 "Now I deserve the lowest hell, "Who spurn'd his offer'd grace; "And tempting others to rebel, "Provok'd him to his face." 6 Stop trembling soul and hear me tell The wonders of his love; He snatch'd me from the brink of hell, And rais'd my soul above. 7 Hark! hear the blessed Jesus say, "Poor soul you need not doubt; "The soul that will come unto me, "I'll in no wise cast out." 8 If ever any trembling soul, That unto Jesus come, Had e'er been banish'd or cast off, I must have been the one. 9 But God has mercy yet in store, For all that will believe; You need not fear because you're poor, That he will you deceive. 10 Come now and take him at his word, He will not angry be; Put your whole trust in Christ the Lord, And he will set you free.
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An Invitation to Sinners

Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Come to the glor'ous gospel feast Lyrics: 1 Come to the glor'ous gospel feast Ho! ev'ry one that will! O come ye starving souls and taste Those joys that none can tell. 2 Arise ye mortals that are sad And bord'ring on despair, Lo there is balm in Gilead, And a physician there. 3 Look to the Savior's bleeding side, Behold the purple gore; It was for wounded souls he dy'd, The sin-sick to restore. 4 Behold him on the cursed tree, With arms extended wide, For sinners such as you and me, The bleeding Savior dy'd. 5 'Tis finish'd said his dying breath, And conquer'd death and hell, That rebels, doom'd to endless death, Might in his bosom dwell. 6 Come then receive his grace and tell The wonders of his love; Till we arise with him to dwell, In the bright worlds above. 7 No sin nor foe shall there annoy, Or wound your peaceful breast; But boundless love, unmingled joy, And everlasting rest.


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