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Hymnal, Number:lh1855

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I'll never use tobacco

Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: I'll never use tobacco, no! Lyrics: 1 "I'll never use tobacco, no! It is a nasty weed! I'll never put it in my mouth," Said little Robert Reid." Refrain: "O, no! I'll never smoke nor chew, 'Tis very wrong indeed; It hurts the health, it makes bad breath, Said little Robert Reid." 2 "Why, there was idle Jerry James, As dirty as a pig; Who smoked when only ten years old, And thought it made him big. [Refrain] 3 "He'd puff along the open street, As if he had no shame; He'd sit beside the tavern door, And there he'd do the same. [Refrain] 4 "He spent his time, and money too, And made his mother sad; She fear'd a worthless man would come From such a worthless lad. [Refrain]
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Yonder's my home

Appears in 98 hymnals First Line: I'm a lonely trav'ler here Lyrics: 1 I'm a lonely trav'ler here, Weary, opprest; But my journey's end is near, Soon I shall rest, Dark and dreary is the way, Tolling I've come; Ask me not with you to stay; Yonder's my home. 2 I'm a weary trav'ler here, I must go on; For my journey's end is near, I must be gone. Brighter joys than earth can give, Win me away; Pleasures that forever live, I cannot stay. 3 I'm a trav'ler to a land Where all is fair; Where is seen no broken band; Saints, all are there. Where no tear shall ever fall, Nor heart be sad; Where the glory is for all, And all are glad. 4 I'm a trav'ler, and I go Where all is fair; Farewell, as I've loved below, I must be there Worldly honors, hopes, and gain, All I resign; Welcome sorrow, grief, and pain, If heav'n be mine. 5 I'm a trav'ler, call me not; Upward's my way; Yonder is my rest and lot, I cannot stay. Farewell, earthly pleasures all, Pilgrim I roam; Hail me not; in vain you call, Yonder's my home. Used With Tune: YONDER'S MY HOME
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Round for four voices

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O may truth Lyrics: 1 O, may truth Guide our youth, Never let a false word Here be heard. Used With Tune: [O, may truth]
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The Sabbath day

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: While the Sunday bells are ringing Lyrics: Albert. 1 While the Sunday bells are ringing, Let us wander wild and free; While the flow'rs around are springing, Come and play along with me. Benjamin. What! and mock the God who made us, Scorn what his commandments say? God is mighty, and he bade us Holy keep the Sabbath day. Albert. 2 Yes! but who would mourn and sorrow When he might some pleasure see; Perhaps there may be rain tomorrow; Come today, and play with me. Benjamin. The Gospel is the greatest treasure, Shall I cast it all away? Not for every worldly pleasure Will I break the Sabbath day. Albert. 3 While our frames are strong and hearty, Let's be happy; come, agree; Let us join a pleasant party; Spare an hour to play with me. Benjamin. Duty loudly bids me stay not; Bids me hear not what you say; Life goes quickly, and I may not Live another Sabbath day. Albert. 4 Sure you have not lost your reason, Why should children churlish be? Only for a little season, For one moment play with me. Benjamin: Not a moment; grace is stronger Than the snares the wicked lay; Sin it is to linger longer I will keep the Sabbath day. Albert. 5 Serious thoughts will do to-morrow, I will spend a merry day; Children need not dwell in sorrow, They should now be brisk and gay. Benjamin. Boast not, here there's no abiding, I would seek the Lord to-day; And in Christ alone confiding, Spend aright the Sabbath day. Used With Tune: THE SABBATH DAY
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My sister

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Who was it, when we both were young Lyrics: 1 Who was it, when we both were young, Oft praised me with her artless tongue, And on my neck delighted hung? My sister. 2 Who ran about with me all day, And when at hide and seek we'd play, Who came to find me where I lay? My sister? 3 And when to school I went to stay, To seek for knowledge, day by day, Who grieved to see me go away? My sister. 4 Who was it ever with delight, Ran forth to meet me, noon and night, So free from envy, wrath, or spite? My sister. 5 O, may it be our constant care, Each other's griefs and pains to share, And thus our mutual burdens bear, My sister. 6 And may that heav'nly power above Still fill our hearts with mutual love, And all our virtuous ways approve, My sister.
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Infant praise and prayer

Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Help me to praise thy name Lyrics: 1 Help me to praise thy name While I am young; Let me thy truth proclaim With my infant tongue: Angels from the skies Will look down with gladsome eyes, When thy praises rise, By infants sung. 2 Keep us in peace and joy Through childhood's days; Help each little girl and boy To walk in thy ways; So shall we be free From the thorns of misery; Heaven our home shall be, Thine all the praise.
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My mother

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: I had a faithful mother Lyrics: 1 I had a faithful mother, How oft in childhood's years She soothed my little troubles, And kiss'd away my tears! With every wish I hasten'd, Instinctive to her side, Nor dream'd that I could lose her, My constant faithful guide. 2 I had a praying mother, She led me to the shrine, Whence drawing heav'nly wisdom, She taught me things divine; Her lamp was trimm'd and burning, Illuming all the way, That leads thro' death's dark valley Up to eternal day. 3 I've now an angel mother, For she hath left this land, And found a better country-- A home at God's right hand. Could she now see my sorrow, I know she'd pity me; God, help me to subdue it, Lest she my sin might see. 4 O had I still a mother, I'd be more mild and meek; I'd speak in kindly accents, As she was wont to speak. But these are vain resolvings-- I'll try to prove more true To those whom God hath spared me, Ere they are angels, too. Used With Tune: MY MOTHER
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Little things

Appears in 244 hymnals First Line: Little drops of water Lyrics: 1 Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the beauteous land. 2 Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden, Like the heaven above. 3 Little seeds of mercy, Sown by youthful hands, Grow to bless the nations, Far in heathen lands. 4 And the little moments, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. 5 So our little errors Lead the soul away From the paths of virtue, Oft in sin to stray. Used With Tune: LITTLE THINGS
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My country! 'tis of thee

Appears in 1,952 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My country! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From ev'ry mountain's side Let Freedom ring. 2 My native country! thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love! I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills: My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. 3 Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break-- The sound prolong. 4 Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of liberty, To thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King! Used With Tune: MY COUNTRY! 'TIS OF THEE
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The Lord's prayer

Appears in 228 hymnals First Line: Our Father in heaven Refrain First Line: Home, home, sweet, sweet home! Lyrics: 1 Our Father in heaven, We hallow thy name; May thy kingdom holy On earth be begun; O, give to us daily Our portion of bread, It is from thy bounty That all must be fed. Refrain: Home, home, sweet, sweet home! Prepare us, dear Saviour, For glory, our home. 2 Forgive our transgressions, And teach us to know, That humble compassion That pardons each foe; Keep us from temptation, From weakness and sin, And thine be the glory, Forever, Amen. [Refrain] Used With Tune: THE LORD'S PRAYER


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