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Hymnal, Number:dhss1800

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Advice to Youth

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #61 (1800) First Line: Now is the time, O lovely youth Lyrics: 1 Now is the time, O lovely youth, To think on your creator God; Attend the words of sacred truth, While in the days of youthful blood. 2 This is the only way to find, The paths of peace and endless joy; The way to store your youthful mind With pleasure that will never cloy. 3 But if you foolishly delay, And hearken to the tempter's breath, To walk in the destructive way, Till age comes on, or sudden death. 4 O think what dreadful risk you run, You hazard your immortal soul, To be eternally undone, And plung'd where endless sorrows roll. 5 Behold the wretch advanc'd in years, And with his years grown old in sin; No more repentance now appears, That when his life did first begin. 6 Lo still upon the horrid brink Of everlasting wrath he goes; Anon with horror down to sink, Into the gulf of endless woes. 7 Young sinners then a warning take, Now in your precious days of youth; All flatt'ring vanities forsake, And take th' advice of sacred truth. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12 Languages: English
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A Hymn on the preciousness of Christ

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #62 (1800) First Line: The name of Christ, how sweet it sounds Lyrics: 1 The name of Christ, how sweet it sounds, How sweet the mention of his wounds, How good, how excellently good, Is the dear name of Jesus' blood. 2 What makes is so to me is this, All that's in Christ my portion is; I'm his, and shall forever be, And all he has is made to me. 3 O! what a great estate have I-- A heaven to all eternity' I'm rich, the Lamb hath made me so, Nor can I greater riches know. 4 O Law, I dread thy threats no more, My Savior yonder paid my score; His blood I know has blotted all, The hand against me on the wall. 5 The promises I glad look o'er, And thankfully the Lamb adore; For when he dy'd he left his will, And these his legacies reveal'd. 6 What did my Savior at his death, To me, unworthy me, bequeath? His life, his death, his wounds and blood, He left me, when he went to God. 7 His new eternal testament, I read, and much sweet time is spent, In searching every verse and line; How much by Jesus' will is mine. 8 My dear testator will I bless, While wearing his pure righteousness; He dy'd and left me this, I'll tell, Or I had naked gone to hell. 9 His sacred name I'll still adore, And praise my Jesus more and more; My heart, my tongue his praise shall prove, In earth below and heaven above. 10 O! the vast debt of love I owe, My soul in time can ne'er bestow; Eternity, it has no bound, So let my praise to thee be found. Languages: English
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Hymnal: DHSS1800 #63 (1800) First Line: Heavenly thoughts create my song Lyrics: 1 Heavenly thoughts create my song, And set my soul on fire; And glide my pleasing thoughts along, To join the heavenly choir. 2 While trav'lling thro' this desart land, My weary soul shall rest; Guided by Jesus' gentle hand, To lean upon his breast. 3 Here I will ease my burden'd mind, And tell him all my grief; From Jesus blood my soul shall find The streams of sweet relief. 4 I'll lay me down within his arms And view his lovely face; As one o'ercome by sovereign charms, And lost in his embrace. 5 Here I'll behold with joy divine, The springs of rising bliss, And joy to see that Christ is mine, And view that I am his. 6 The views of my dear bleeding king, Strike an immortal flame; Raptur'd with joy, my soul shall sing The praise of Jesus' name. 7 Shall sing like the redeemed throng, Of my incarnate God; His love shall be my ceaseless song, Who wash'd me in his blood. 8 High on the throne my Savior reigns; Angels adore my king; In lofty, sweet seraphic strains, My Savior's praise they sing. 9 There I'll adore my dying God, And bow before his face; I'll sing of Jesus' wounds and blood, And praise victorious grace. 10 Amidst the eternal sacred true, Among the starry plains; My soul shall sing as angels do, In sweet celestial strains. 11 The heavenly flame shall still aspire, Before my Savior's throne; His love shall feed the sacred fire, To praise the holy one. Languages: English
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A soul's view; or partaking of the Lord's Supper

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #64 (1800) First Line: The table spread my soul there spies Lyrics: 1 The tables spread my soul there spies, The victims bleed, the savior dies, In anguish on the tree! I hear his dying groans! I prove His bleeding heart, his dying love, He dy'd, my soul, for thee. 2 The table's spread--the royal food Is Jesus' sacred flesh and blood, A feast of love divine: His bleeding heart! his dying groans! His sacred blood for sin atones-- Atones, my soul for thine. 3 The feast is spread with bleeding hands, Bedew'd with blood; and lo! it stands To fill the hungry mind; 'Tis free, and whosoever will, May feast his soul and drink his fill, And grace and glory find. 4 Whilst at the table sits the King, Raptur'd with joy, my soul shall sing, With an immortal flame; My Savior's grace I'll still adore, With joy I'll love him more and more, And bless his sacred name; 5 O sacred flesh! O solemn feast! When Christ my Lord, the royal guest, Is at his table found; This adds new glories to my joy-- It bids me sin, and well I may, It makes my bliss abound. 6 'Tis thus my soul by faith is fed, On angels' food, with living bread, And manna from above-- On sacred flesh, on dying blood! I feast till I am full of God, And drink the wine of love. 7 It is an early antipast, Of heavenly bliss it is a taste, A taste on earthly ground. If here so sweet--if here we prove Seraphic joy--celestial love, In heav'n what will be found? Languages: English
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Redemption found In Jesus, under the idea of an anchor cast in a storm

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #65 (1800) First Line: Now have I found the ground, wherein Lyrics: 1 Now I have found the ground, wherein My soul’s sure anchor may remain; The wounds of Jesus for my sin, Before the world’s foundation slain; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, When heav'n and earth are fled away. 2 Father, thine everlasting grace, Our scanty thought surpasses far; Thy heart still melts with tenderness-- Thy arms of love still open are, Returning sinners to receive, That mercy they may taste and live. 3 By faith I plunge me in this sea, Here is my hope, my joy, my rest; 'Tis here, when hell assaults I flee, And look into my Savior’s breast; Away sad doubts and anxious fear, Mercy is all that’s written there. 4 Tho' waves and storms go o’er my head, Tho' strength and health and friends be gone, Tho' joys be wither'd all, and dead-- Tho' every comfort be withdrawn, On thee my steadfast soul relies; Father thy mercy never dies. 5 Fix'd on this ground will I remain, Tho' my heart fail and flesh decay, This anchor shall my soul sustain, When earth’s foundation melts away, Mercy’s full pow'r I then shall prove, Lov'd with an everlasting love. 6 What in thy love possess I not? My star by night, my sun by day-- My springs of life, when parch'd with drought, My wine to cheer, my bread to stay-- My shield, my strength, my safe abode-- My palace, Savior and my God. Scripture: Hebrews 4:10 Languages: English
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Gospel ministers' call, or commission

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #66 (1800) First Line: Thus saith the Lord your master dear Lyrics: 1 Thus saith the Lord your master dear, O ye his servants whom he sends To preach his gospel far and near, E'en to the world's remotest end. 2 Go forth ye heralds in my name, "Sweetly the gospel trumpet sound; "The glorious jubilee proclaim, "Where'er the hymna race is found; 3 "Convince a world of sinners blind, "And shew them where their danger lies; "The broken hearted careful bind, "And wipe the tears from weeping eyes. 4 "Be wise as serpents where you go, "Yet harmless as the peaceful dove; "And let your whole deportment show, "That you're commission'd from above. 5 "And as you freely have receiv'd, "E'e so to others freely give; "So shall your message be believ'd, "And many dying sinners live." 6 "Master, thy word we have obey'd, (Said Christ's sweet messengers of peace) And lo, the devils are dismay'd, "Trembling they flee before our face." 7 Oh! if I had an angel's voice, And could be heard from pole to pole, I would to all the listening world, Proclaim thy goodness to my soul. 8 O happy servants of the Lord, Who thus their master's will obey; Immensely great is the reward, They shall receive another day. Languages: English
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Divine Fortitude

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #67 (1800) First Line: Didst thou dear Jesus suffer shame Lyrics: 1 Didst thou dear Jesus suffer shame, And bear the cross for me? And shall I fear to own thy name, Or thy disciple be? 2 Forbid it Lord that I should dread, To suffer shame or loss; O, let me in thy footsteps tread, And glory in thy cross. 3 Inspire my soul with life divine, And holy courage bold; Let knowledge, faith and meekness shine, Nor love nor zeal grow cold. 4 Say to my soul, why dost thou fear The face of feeble man? Behold thy heavenly Captain's here, Before thee in the van. 5 O how my soul would up and run, At this reviving word, Nor any painful suff'rings shun, To follow thee, my Lord. 6 For this let men reproach, defame, And call we what they will; Lo! I may glorify thy name, And be thy servant still. 7 To thee I cheerfully submit, And all thy pow'rs resign; Let wisdom point out what is fit, And I'll no more repine. Pause 8 I'll cheerfully take up the cross, And follow thee my Lord, Submit to tortures, shame and loss, At thy commanding word. 9 But this I promise to fulfil, Through thy assisting grace, For I am pow'rless and a weak will, I must with shame confess. 10 But let thy grace sufficient be, In ev'ry time of need; Then Lord I'll boldly fight for thee, And ev'ry time succeed. Languages: English
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The rich provision of the Gospel

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #68 (1800) First Line: Jesus thy blessings are not few Lyrics: 1 Jesus thy blessings are not few, Nor is thy gospel weak; Thy grace can melt the stubborn Jew, And heal the dying Greek. 2 Wide as the reach of Satan's rage Doth thy salvation flow; It's not confin'd to sex or age, The lofty or the low. 3 While grace is offer'd to the prince, The poor may take their share; No mortal has a just pretence To perish in despair 4 Come, all ye wretched sinners, come, He'll form your souls anew; His gospel and his heart have room For rebels such as you. 5 His doctrine is almighty love; There's virtue in his name, To turn a raven to a dove, The lion to a lamb. 6 O could we raise a song of praise, Half equal to his love; The heav'ns would ring, while we should sing, Thro' all the courts above. Languages: English
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A Pilgrim's Song

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #69 (1800) First Line: Children of the heav'nly king Languages: English
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Celestial watering

Hymnal: DHSS1800 #70 (1800) First Line: Savior, visit thy plantation Lyrics: 1 Savior, visit thy plantation, Grant us Lord, a gracious rain, All will come to dissolution, Unless thou return again. 2 Keep no longer at a distance, Shine upon us from on high; Left for want of thy assistance, Ev'ry plant should droop and die. 3 Surely once the garden flourish'd, Ev'ry part look'd gay and green: Then thy word our spirits nourish'd Happy seasons we have seen. 4 But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see; Lord thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee. 5 Where are those we counted leaders, Fir'd with zeal and love and truth; Old professors tall as cedars, Bright examples to our youth! 6 Some in whom our souls delighted, We shall meet no more below; Some alas, we fear are blighted, Scarce a single leaf they show. 7 Younger plants to sight how pleasant, Cover'd thick with blossoms stood; But they cause us grief at present, Frost has nipt them in the bud. 8 Dearest Savior, hasten hither, Thou canst make them bloom again; O! permit them not to wither, Let not all our hopes be vain. 9 Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us prevalent in pray'r; Let each one esteem the servant, Shun the world's bewitching snare. 10 Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the stony hearts of flesh; Now begin from this good hour, To revive thy work afresh. Languages: English


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