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Ralph Wardlaw

1779 - 1853 Person Name: Wardlaw Hymnal Number: 87 Author of "Lift up to God the voice of praise" in The Congregational Hymn Book Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. This venerable and (in his generation) influential Scottish divine contributed twelve hymns to the praise of the Church Universal that are likely to live in a humble and useful way. As having so done, and besides edited several collections of hymns, he claims a place of honour in this work. Critically, and regarded as literature, his hymns have little of poetry in them; no "winged words" to lift the soul heavenward. They reflect simply and plainly the lights and shadows of everyday experiences of the spiritual life, rather than its etherialities and subtleties. His "Lift up to God the voice of praise " is the most widely known; and there is a certain inspiriting clangour about it when well sung; yet it is commonplace. His "Hail morning, known among the blest," is narrative and prosaic, though it filled a gap at the time in Sabbath morning worship. “At the time by God appointed," "Remember Thee! remember Christ!" and "Contemplate, saints, the source divine," have vanishing gleams of imaginative light and fine and tender emotion. "O how good the hallowed union," "Where the sounds of plaintive wailing," and "See the Sun of truth arise," are melodious and singable, and pleasant but shallow. “Christ of all my hopes the ground," (Pt. ii.) "When with wasting sickness worn," is much too long, but is a fairly good song of Zion. Wardlaw published in 1803 a Selection of Hymns, to displace what was called The Tabernacle Collection, 1800, that had been used by the Congregationalists of Scotland, and to which he contributed a few hymns. He was assisted in the preparation of this compilation by Dr. Charles Stuart, of Dunearn. The first edition contained 322 hymns. In 1817 a Supplement was added of 171, bringing up the number to 493. Of these eleven (or twelve strictly) were by Wardlaw. Two of these had previously appeared in the Scottish Missionary Magazine (vol. viii. 48). His hymns bear so very slight a proportion to Dr. Wardlaw's writings as a profound theologian and expositor and thoroughly-equipped controversialist on the chief problems of the period, as to make it necessary to refer the reader to his remarkable Life, by the Rev. Dr. W. L. Alexander, entitled, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. (2nd ed., 1856). Wardlaw was born at Dalkeith on December 22, 1779, where he received his early education, later attending Glasgow University. His only church was in Glasgow. He died at Easterhouse near Glasgow on Dec. 17, 1853, and his public funeral is still remembered for the representative character of the vast multitude who attended it. [Rev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LL.D.] Of Dr. Wardlaw's hymns the following are still in common use:— 1. Glad when they saw the Lord. Easter. 2. Hail, morning known amongst the blest [saints]. Sunday Morning. 3. Lift up to God the voice of praise. Praise to the Father. 4. 0 Lord our God, arise. Missions. 5. Remember Thee, remember Christ. Holy Communion. 6. See the Sun of Truth arise. Christ the Light. Of these Nos. 3-5 appeared in the Tabernacle Collection, 1800. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============= Wardlaw, R., p. 1232, ii. Of his hymns, Nos. 1, 2 are in his Selection, 1803, and No. 6 was added in the Supplement of 1817. This Supplement also contains "O how good the hallowed union," and "Whence the sounds of plaintive wailing," p. 1232, ii. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Thomas Sternhold

1449 - 1549 Person Name: Sternhold Hymnal Number: 9 Author of "The Lord descended from above" in The Congregational Hymn Book Thomas Sternhold was Groom of the Robes to Henry VIII and Edward VI. With Hopkins, he produced the first English version of the Psalms before alluded to. He completed fifty-one; Hopkins and others composed the remainder. He died in 1549. Thirty-seven of his psalms were edited and published after his death, by his friend Hopkins. The work is entitled "All such Psalms of David as Thomas Sternhold, late Groome of the King's Majestye's Robes, did in his Lyfetime drawe into Englyshe Metre." Of the version annexed to the Prayer Book, Montgomery says: "The merit of faithful adherence to the original has been claimed for this version, and need not to be denied, but it is the resemblance which the dead bear to the living." Wood, in his "Athenae Oxonlenses" (1691, vol. I, p. 62), has the following account of the origin of Sternhold's psalms: "Being a most zealous reformer, and a very strict liver, he became so scandalized at the amorous and obscene songs used in the Court, that he, forsooth, turned into English metre fifty-one of David's psalms, and caused musical notes to be set to them, thinking thereby that the courtiers would sing them instead of their sonnets; but they did not, some few excepted. However, the poetry and music being admirable, and the best that was made and composed in these times, they were thought fit to be sung in all parochial churches." Of Sternhold and Hopkins, old Fuller says: "They were men whose piety was better than their poetry, and they had drunk more of Jordan than of Helicon." Sternhold and Hopkins may be taken as the representatives of the strong tendency to versify Scripture that came with the Reformation into England--a work men eagerly entered on without the talent requisite for its successful accomplishment. The tendency went so far, that even the "Acts of the Apostles" was put into rhyme, and set to music by Dr. Christopher Tye. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.

J. W. Cunningham

1780 - 1861 Person Name: Cunningham Hymnal Number: 333 Author of "Dear is the hallowed morn to me" in The Congregational Hymn Book Cunningham, John William, M.A., was born in London, Jan. 3, 1780, and educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated in honours, and subsequently became a Fellow of his College. In 1802 he was ordained to the Curacy of Ripley, in Surrey. The following year he removed to Ockham, and later to Clapham, where he was curate to the Rev. John Venn, who was the original of Berkeley in The Velvet Cushion. In 1811 he was presented by his family to the Vicarage of Harrow, which he held for fifty years. He died Sept. 30, 1861. He published, in addition to pamphlets on various subjects:— (1) World without Souls, 1805; (2) The Velvet Cushion, 4th ed. 1814; (3) De Ranee, a Poem, 1815; (4) Morning Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 1824; (5) Morning Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Mark, 1827. The two series of Morning Thoughts contained hymns which were given without any signature. As there is an acknowledgment that with the verse, in the first case he was assisted by "a friend," and in the second “by friends," it is impossible to distinguish his work from that of his "friends." With his name and publications the following hymns are associated:— 1. As the sweet flower that scents the morn. Death of an Infant. This poem appeared in The Velvet Cushion (4th ed. 1814, p. 157), in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. ln1826 it was given in a revised form as a hymn in 3 stanzas of 4 lines in the American Episcopal Psalms & Hymns, No. 127. In the Unitarian Hymns for the Church of Christ (Hedge & Huntington), 1853, No. 762, it is increased to 4 stanzas. It has been attributed to Allan Cunningham, but in error. 2. Dear is the hallowed morn to me. Sunday Morn¬ing. This was given in Oliphant & Sons' Sacred Poetry, 4th ed., 1822, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and signed "Cuningham." In 1833 Bickersteth gave stanza i.—iii., vi., as No. 639 in his Christian Psalmody, beginning, "Dear is to me the Sabbath morn." This has been repeated in English and American collections. 3. From Calvary a cry was heard. Good Friday. Published in his Morning Thoughts on St. Matthew, 1824, p. 103, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in somewhat extensive use In America, and sometimes in 4 stanzas as in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, No. 460. 4. How cheering the thought that the spirits in bliss. Ministering Angels. Published in his Morning Thoughts on St. Matthew, 1824, p. 15, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines. In Bateman's Sacred Melodies, the Scottish Presbyterian Hymnal for the Young, 1882, &c, and several American collections, it is given as "How [dear is] delightful the thought that the angels in bliss." 5. The God of Israel never sleeps. Watchfulness. Published in his Morning Thoughts on St. Mark, 1827, p. 103, in 3 stanzas of 6 lines. As No. 548 in Kennedy it is in an altered form. [William T. Brooke] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George Horne

1730 - 1792 Person Name: Horne Hymnal Number: 989 Author of "See the leaves around us falling" in The Congregational Hymn Book Home, George, D.D., born at Otham, near Maidstone, Kent, Nov. 1, 1730, and educated at Maidstone, and University College, Oxford (B.A. 1749). He subsequently became a Fellow, and in 1768 Master of Magdalen College. He was also Vice-Chancellor of his University, 1776; Dean of Canterbury, 1781, and Bishop of Norwich, 1791. He died Jan. 17, 1792. Bp. Home is widely known through his Commentary on the Book of Psalms. His hymns were included in his Memoirs by the Rev. W. Jones, 1795: again, in his Essays and Thoughts on Various Subjects with Hymns and Poems, 1808: and again, in his Works, 1809. Of his Hymns the best known is:— See the leaves around us falling [Autumn], which appeared in his Memoirs, 1795, pp. 223-4, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "The Leaf. 'We all do fade as a leaf.' Isa. lxiv. 6." It is also found in his Essays, 1808, and Works, 1809. Collyer included it in an abbreviated form in his Collection, 1812, from whence it passed into modern Nonconformist hymnals. It was brought into use in the Church of England by Cotterill through his Selection, 8th ed., 1819. Bishop Home's translation of the Latin Grace, “Te Deum patrem colimus" (q.v.):— "Thee, Mighty Father, we adore," has been strangely overlooked by hymnal compilers. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Joseph Stennett

1663 - 1713 Person Name: J. Stennett Hymnal Number: 331 Author of "Another six days' work is done" in The Congregational Hymn Book The author was a Baptist preacher in London, from 1690, to his death in 1713. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============================= Stennett, Joseph, the earliest English Baptist hymnwriter whose hymns are now in common use, was born at Abingdon, Berks, in 1663. He received a superior education at the Grammar School of Wallingford, and at the age of 22 removed to London, where for several years he engaged in tuition. In 1688 he married a daughter of George Guill, a French Protestant refugee, another of whose daughters was the wife of the celebrated Presbyterian minister, Dr. Daniel Williams, who became a generous friend to Stennett. In the following year he was called to preach by the Baptist Sabbatarian congregation then meeting in Devonshire Square, London, afterwards in Pinners' Hall; and in 1690 became its pastor, a position he retained to his death, July 4, 1713. Since the meetings of this congregation for worship were on the seventh day of the week, he was free to preach to other congregations on the Sunday, which he did very frequently, especially to the General Baptist Church in the Barbican. Such was Stennett's repute for piety, learning and practical wisdom that his advice was very much sought by his Christian friends, and by the "great Whig Lords” of that day he was occasionally consulted as to the feeling of the Dissenters concerning national affairs. His published works include:— (1) Hymns in commemoration of the Sufferings of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, compos'd for the Celebration of his Holy Supper, 1697; 2nd ed. 1703 (This is entitled in Stennett's Works, 1732, Hymns for the Lord's Supper). These were 37 in number, increased to 50 in the 3rd edition, 1709. (2) In 1700 he published a poetical Version of Solomon's Song of Songs, together with the XLVth Psalm. A second edition, corrected, appeared in 1709. (3) In 1712 he published twelve Hymns composed for the Celebration of the Holy Ordinance of Baptism; 2nd ed. 1722. Stennett also translated Dacier's Plato and other works from the French, and published several sermons preached on days of National Thanksgiving and other public occasions. His Works were collected after his death and published in 1732, in 4 vols. They contain a Memoir, Sermons and Letters, the Hymns and Poems mentioned above, and a few other poetical pieces. A controversial work, An Answer to Mr. Russen's Book on Baptism, 1702, may be reckoned as a 5th vol. Of his hymns, that which, in the form of varying centos, is most widely known is, "Another six days' work is done". Others in common use include:— 1. Gracious Redeemer, how divine. Holy Communion. Appeared in his Hymns for the Lord's Supper, first edition, 1697. (Works, 1732, ii. p. 98.) Usually abbreviated. 2. Immortal praise be given. Holy Communion. Published in his Hymns for The Lord's Supper, first ed., 1697. (Works, 1732, ii. p. 97.) From this "We'll praise our risen Lord," is taken. 3. Jesus, O word divinely sweet. Redemption through Jesus. Published in Hymns for the Lord's Supper, 3rd ed. 1709, No. 47. 4. Lord, at Thy Table I behold. Holy Communion. This hymn is not in Stennett's Works. From it "With humble faith and trembling heart," is taken. 5. My blessed Saviour, is Thy love? Self-Consecration to God. Appeared in his Hymns for the Lord's Supper, 1697, No. 22. Usually abbreviated. 6. The great Redeemer we adore. Published in his Hymns for Baptism, 1712. 7. Whene'er one sinner turns to God. Holy Baptism. Published in his Hymns for Baptism, 1712, No. 12. From this "See how the willing converts trace" is taken. It begins with st. iii. Several of his hymns additional to these are given in the older collections, but have passed out of use. We may add that the Joseph Stennett, the subject of this article, had a son, Joseph Stennett, D.D., who also became an eminent Baptist minister, and was the father of Samuel Stennett. [Rev.W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Roscoe

1753 - 1831 Person Name: Roscoe Hymnal Number: 951 Author of "Great God, beneath whose piercing eye" in The Congregational Hymn Book Roscoe, William, the father, was born March 8, 1753, in Liverpool, of humble origin. After very meagre schooling, and three years of work in his father's market garden, he was articled to an attorney, and subsequently practised in Liverpool till 1796, when he withdrew from the profession. From the first literature was his chief delight, and throughout a long career of public usefulness he united its pursuit with the efforts of enlightened patriotism and the advocacy of higher education and reform. Liverpool was a centre of the old slave-trade, and Roscoe was one of the first to raise his voice against the iniquity. At the age of 20 he had already uttered a protest in his descriptive poem Mount Pleasant, and in 1787 he published a longer poem, The Wrongs of Africa (Pt. ii. 1788), devoted to the subject. During his brief parliamentary experience as member for Liverpool, in 1807, he had further opportunity of advocating the cause of liberty and humanity. His first great historical work, the Life of Lorenzo dé Medici, was published in 1796, and the Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, in 1805. After withdrawing from his legal practice, Roscoe had hoped to be able to devote himself entirely to letters, but the claims of friendship induced him in 1800 to enter into a banking business, which involved him in commercial troubles, ending in 1820 in his bankruptcy. His library had to be sold, but part of it was bought by friends, and presented to the Liverpool Athenæum, which in 1789 Roscoe had been instrumental in founding. In 1822 he published Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo dé Medici, defending the views adopted in his former history, and two years later edited a new edition of Pope's works, with a life of the poet. He died June 30, 1831. (Cf. The Life of William Roscoe, by his son, Henry Roscoe, in 2 vols., London, T. Cadell, 1833.) As a member of the congregation of Unitarians meeting in Renshaw Street Chapel, Liverpool, Roscoe took part in preparing A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Worship, printed for their use in 1818. He contributed eight hymns and the concluding anthem. Of these hymns the following are in common use at the present time:— 1. Let our loud song of praise arise. Praise. 2. Go, suffering habitant of earth. Life, a Warfare. 3. Great God, beneath Whose piercing eye. Divine Providence. 4. Thus said Jesus, Go and do. Love to our Neighbour. 5. What is the first and great command ? The Commandments. These hymns are in several Unitarian collections, including Martineau's Hymns, 1840. No. 3 was written in 1788, as a "secular hymn" of ten stanzas, to be sung at the Benn's Garden Chapel on the Centenary of the Revolution. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Margaret Mackay

1802 - 1887 Person Name: Mackay Hymnal Number: 1033 Author of "Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!" in The Congregational Hymn Book Mackay, Margaret, was born in 1802, and the only daughter of Captain Robert Mackay, of Hedgefield, Inverness. She was married in 1820 to Major William Mackay, of the 68th Light Infantry (afterwards Lt. Colonel) a distinguished officer who died in 1845. Mrs. Mackay died at Cheltenham, Jan. 5, 1887. In addition to various prose works Mrs. Mackay published Thoughts Redeemed; or Lays of Leisure Hours, 1854, which contained 72 original hymns and poems. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joshua Marsden

1777 - 1837 Person Name: Marsden Hymnal Number: 857 Author of "Go, ye messengers of God" in The Congregational Hymn Book Marsden, Joshua, a Wesleyan Methodist Missionary in Nova Scotia, and afterwards in the Bermuda Islands, born in 1777, and died in 1837. He published Amusements of a Mission, N. Y., 1812, in which a poem on Missions appeared as "Go, ye messengers of God." In his Narrative of a Mission (2nd ed.), 1827, he claims this as his own. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

George Burder

1752 - 1832 Person Name: Burder Hymnal Number: 35 Author of "Come, ye that know and fear the Lord" in The Congregational Hymn Book Burder, George, born in London, June 5, 1752, and trained as an engraver. At the age of 24 he commenced preaching with the Calvinist Methodists, but subsequently joined the Congregationalists,and was pastor sucessively at Lancaster, Coventry, and Fetter Lane, London. He was one of the active founders of the Religious Tract, the London Missionary, and the British and Foreign Bible Societies, and some time editor of the Evangelical Magazine. He died May 29, 1832. His works include Village Sermons, 1704; Sea Sermons, 1821; Cottage Sermons, 1826, and others. He is known to hymnology by his Collection of Hymns from various Authors, intended as a Supplement to Dr. Watts, &c, 1784. (Preface dated Nov. 20, 1784.) It had attained to the 25th edition in 1827. To this collection he contributed 4 hymns, the best known being, "Sweet the time, exceeding sweet" (q.v.), sometimes altered to "Great the joy when Christians meet." The remaining three, all from the 1st edition 1784, are:— 1. Come, dear Desire of nations, come. Missions. 2. Come ye that know and fear the Lord. Love of God. In Dr. Hatfield's Church H. Bk., N.Y., 1872, 5 st. out of 9 are given as No. 236. 3. Lord, solemnize our trifling minds. Before Sermon. Altered to "Great God, impress our trifling minds," in the New Congregational Hymn Book, No. 786, &c. Burder's Collection is of importance in the history of Congregational hymnody. The 1st edition, 1784, contained 187 hymns; 2nd edition, 1784, 211; 9th edition, 1803, 257 hymns; 18th edition, 1820, 277; and the last, the 25th edition, 1827, 294. His son, Henry Foster Burder, published a Collection of Ps. & Hymns, 1826; and another son, the Rev. John Burder, also compiled a Collection published without date. To the 18th edition, 1820, of G. Burder's Collection, the wife of his son H. F. Burder contributed "And will the God Who reigns on high " (Sunday Schools), under the signature “S. M. Burder" [Sophia Maria]. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Hymnal Number: 439 Author of "The voice of free grace cries "Escape to the mountain!"" in The Congregational Hymn Book


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