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Hymnal, Number:lh1855

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Lovely Zion

Hymnal: LH1855 #87b (1855) First Line: Zion! bright and fair, strong thy bulwarks are Refrain First Line: O Zion, dear Zion! Lyrics: 1 Zion! bright and fair, strong thy bulwarks are, And thy towers majestic stand! City of our God, now our blest abode In this free and happy land. Refrain: O Zion, dear Zion! Lovely and fair; Now arise and shine, for thy light has come: In thy beautiful robes appear. 2 Now the isles of the sea look imploring to thee, For the Gospel's joyful sound; And from heathen lands millions stretch their hands For the word which you have found. [Refrain] 3 Let the word go forth, to the south and north, And thy light he seen afar, Till the east and west with the rays are bless'd, Of the bright and morning star. [Refrain] 4 Then the heav'nly strain shall be heard again, As it once o'er Judah ran; And all nations join in the song divine-- Peace on earth, good will to man. [Refrain] Languages: English
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Hymnal: LH1855 #87c (1855) First Line: O happy land! O happy land! Refrain First Line: O Heaven, sweet Heaven! Lyrics: 1 O happy land! O happy land! Where saints and angels dwell; We long to join that glorious band, And all their anthems swell. Refrain: O Heaven, sweet Heaven! O home of the blest; How I long to be there, all its glory to share, And to lean on my Saviour's breast! 2 But every voice in yonder throng, On earth has breathed a prayer; No lips untaught may join that song, Or learn the music there. [Refrain] 3 Thou heav'nly Friend! thou heavenly Friend! O hear us when we pray; Now let thy pard'ning grace descend, And take our sins away. [Refrain] 4 Be all our fresh, our youthful days, To thy blest service given; Then we shall meet to sing thy praise, A ransom'd band in heaven. [Refrain] Languages: English
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Missionary verses

Hymnal: LH1855 #88 (1855) First Line: Should you wish to be told the best use of a penny Lyrics: 1 Should you wish to be told the best use of a penny, I will tell you a way that is better than any; 'Tis not on apples, cakes, or playthings to spend it, But away o'er the seas to the heathen to send it. Come, listen to me, and I'll tell, if you please, Of some poor little heathen far over the seas. 2 Their skins are quite black, for our God made them thus; A soul, too, that never will die has been given, But he made them with bodies and feelings like us: And there's room for black children with Jesus in heav'n. But few go to tell of such good things as these To the poor little heathen far over the seas. 3 In this country poor children are well of indeed; They have schools every day, where they sing, sew, and read; Their church, too, on Sunday, and pastor to teach How the true way to heaven through Jesus to reach. Yet, sad to remember, there's so few of these, For the poor little heathen far over the seas. 4 No schools have the Pagans for reading and singing; No Sunday for them, with its cheerful bells ringing; And most little blacks have no Bibles to read; Ah! poor little children, you're ill off indeed! But a penny each week would procure books with ease, For the poor little heathen far over the seas. 5 O think, then, of this, when a penny is given, "I can help a poor child on his way home to heaven;" Then give it to Jesus, and he will approve, Nor scorn e'en a mite, if 'tis offer'd in love. And, O! when in prayer you to him bend your knees, Remember the heathen far over the seas. Languages: English Tune Title: MISSIONARY VERSES
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The little girl's good morning

Hymnal: LH1855 #89 (1855) First Line: "O! I am so happy!" the little girl said Lyrics: 1 "O! I am so happy!" the little girl said, As she sprang, like a lark, from her low trundle-bed; 'Tis morning, bright morning! Good morning, papa, O, give me one kiss for good morning, mamma! Only look, just now, at my pretty canary, Chirping his sweet 'Good morning to Mary.' 2 "The sunshine is peeping straight into my eyes, Good morning to you, Mr. Sun--for you rise So early, to wake up my birdie and me, And make us as happy as happy can be!" "Happy you may be, my dear little girl!" And the mother stroked softly a clustering curl-- 3 "Happy you can be--but think of the One Who waken'd, this morning, both you and the sun." The little one turn'd her bright eye with a nod-- "Mamma, may I say, then, 'Good morning,' to God?" "O yes, little darling, surely you may-- Now kneel as you kneel every morning to pray." 4 Then Mary knelt solemnly down, with her eyes Looking up with sweet earnestness into the skies; Her two little hands that were folded together, So softly she laid on the lap of her mother: "Good morning, dear Father in heaven," she said; "I thank thee for watching my snug little bed; 5 "For taking good care of me all the dark night, And waking me up with the beautiful light! O, keep me from naughtiness all the long day, Blest Jesus, who taught little children to pray." An angel look'd down in the sunshine, and smiled; But she saw not the angel, that beautiful child! Languages: English
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The happy school boy

Hymnal: LH1855 #90 (1855) First Line: I'll away, I'll away like a pleasant boy Lyrics: 1 I'll away, I'll away like a pleasant boy, For my task I so quickly can learn: I'll not stay, come away, it shall be my joy To my school with good will to return. The hour is up, the time is past, When th' heart is glad time flies so fast. Then away, then away like a pleasant boy, I will play and study in turn. 2 Who's afraid, who's afraid of a little toil, Or to work in the rain or the sun; Study hard, study hard, 'tis but for a while, And your work with the sooner be done. When the heart's content, the mind is clear, When the sun shines out, the scene 'twill cheer: Come away, come away, like a merry boy With a tug, and a pull, and a smile! Languages: English Tune Title: THE HAPPY SCHOOL BOY
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Pleasant thoughts

Hymnal: LH1855 #91 (1855) First Line: I walk'd in a field of fresh clover this morn Lyrics: 1 I walk'd in a field of fresh clover this morn, Where lambs play'd so merrily under the trees, Or rubb'd their soft coats on a naked old thorn, Or nibbled the clover, or rested at ease. 2 And under the hedge ran a clear water brook, To drink from when thirsty, or weary with play, And so gay did the daisies and buttercups look, That I thought little lambs must be happy all day. 3 And when I remember the beautiful psalm That tells about Christ, and his pastures so green, I know he is willing to make me his lamb, And happier far than the lambs I have seen. 4 If I drink of the waters, so peaceful and still, That flow in his field, I forever shall live, If I love him, and seek his commands to fulfill, A place in his sheepfold to me he will give. 5 The lambs are at peace in the fields when they play; The long summer's day in contentment they spend; But happier I, if in God's holy way I try to walk always with Christ for my friend. Languages: English Tune Title: PLEASANT THOUGHTS
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My country! 'tis of thee

Hymnal: LH1855 #92 (1855) Lyrics: 1 My country! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From ev'ry mountain's side Let Freedom ring. 2 My native country! thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love! I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills: My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. 3 Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break-- The sound prolong. 4 Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of liberty, To thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King! Languages: English Tune Title: MY COUNTRY! 'TIS OF THEE
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Come, haste to the Saviour

Hymnal: LH1855 #93 (1855) First Line: Come, youthful sinners, come, haste to the Saviour Lyrics: 1 Come, youthful sinners, come, haste to the Saviour, Come, ye young wanderers, cling to his side; Kneel at his mercy-seat, sue for his favor, Lambs of his bosom, for whom he hath died. Come to his temple gate, come in life's morning; Give up your souls to the Guide of your youth; How fair is grace, the young bosom adorning! What robe so pure as the raiment of truth? 2 Can you find pleasure in pathways unholy? Hope ye for wisdom in wand'ring from God? Sorrow and shame waft the vot'ries of folly, Earth has no comfort not found in his blood. Has he not died for you? gaze on his passion: There see the tokens of sorrow and love; Lives he not now for you? Jesus, the Saviour, Bled and ascended to crown you above. Languages: English Tune Title: [Come, youthful sinners, come, haste to the Saviour]
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Power of the Bible

Hymnal: LH1855 #94a (1855) First Line: What is it shows my soul the way Lyrics: 1 What is it shows my soul the way To realms of everlasting day, And tells the danger of delay? My Bible, My Bible! 2 What teaches me I'm bound to love The glorious God who reigns above, And that I may his goodness prove? My Bible! 3 What is it gives my spirit rest, When with the cares of earth opprest, And point to regions of the blest? My Bible! Languages: English Tune Title: POWER OF THE BIBLE
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My father

Hymnal: LH1855 #94b (1855) First Line: Who took me from my mother's arms Lyrics: 1 Who took me from my mother's arms, And smiling at her soft alarms, Show'd me the world and nature's charms? My father. 2 Who made me feel, and understand The wonders of the sea and land, And mark, through all, the Maker's hand? My father. 3 Who climb'd with me the mountain's height, And watch'd my look of dread delight, While rose the glorious orb of light? My father. 4 Who from each flower, and verdant stalk, Gather'd a subject for our talk, To fill the long delightful walk? My father. 5 Who taught my early mind to know The God, from whom all blessings flow, Creator of all things below? My father. 6 Soon, and before the mercy-seat, Spirits made perfect, we shall meet, Then, with what transports I shall greet My father. Languages: English


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