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Hymnal, Number:dwip1787

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The Frailty and Shortness of Life

Appears in 164 hymnals First Line: Lord, what a feeble piece Lyrics: 1 Lord, what a feeble piece Is this our mortal frame! Our life how poor a trifle 'tis, That scarce deserves the name! 2 Alas, the brittle clay That built our body first! And every month and every day, 'Tis mouldering back to dust. 3 Our moments fly apace, Our feeble powers decay, Swift like a flood our hasty days Are sweeping us away. 4 Yet, if our days must fly, We'll keep their end in sight, We'll spend them all in wisdom's way, And let them speed their flight. 5 They'll waft us sooner o'er This life's tempestuous sea; Soon we shall reach the peaceful shore Of blest eternity. Topics: Afflictions without rejection; Death the effect of sin; Frailty of Man; Funeral psalm; God Eternal and Man mortal; Life short and feeble; Man his vanity as mortal; Mortality of man; Old age death; Psalm for Funeral; Saints Reward at last; Afflictions without rejection; Death the effect of sin; Frailty of Man; Funeral psalm; God Eternal and Man mortal; Life short and feeble; Man his vanity as mortal; Mortality of man; Old age death; Psalm for Funeral; Saints Reward at last Scripture: Psalm 90:5
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The Lord Jehovah reigns

Appears in 163 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord Jehovah reigns, And royal state maintains, His head with awful glories crown'd; Array'd in robes of light, Begirt with sovereign might, And rays of majesty around. 2 Upheld by thy commands The world securely stands, And skies and stars obey thy word; Thy throne was fixt on high Ere stars adorn'd the sky; Eternal is thy kingdom, Lord. 3 In vain the noisy croud, Like billows fierce and loud, Against thine empire rage and roar; In vain with angry spite The surly nations fight, And dash like waves against the shore. 4 Let floods and nations rage, And all their power engage, Let swelling tides assault the sky; The terrors of thy frown Shall beat their madness down; Thy throne forever stands on high. 5 Thy promises are true, Thy grace is ever new, There fix'd thy church shall ne'er remove; Thy saints with holy fear Shall in thy courts appear, And sing thine everlasting love. Topics: God Eternal and Sovereign and Holy; God supreme governor; God his power and majesty; Jehovah; Jehovah reigns; God Eternal and Sovereign and Holy; God supreme governor; God his power and majesty; Jehovah; Jehovah reigns Scripture: Psalm 93
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God our Support and Comfort; or Deliverance from Temptation and Persecution

Appears in 36 hymnals First Line: Who will arise and plead my right Lyrics: 1 Who will arise and plead my right Against my numerous foes? While earth and hell their force unite, And all my hopes oppose. 2 Had not the Lord, my rock, my help, Sustain'd my fainting head, My life had now in silence dwelt, My soul amongst the dead. 3 Alas! my sliding feet! I cry'd, Thy promise bore me up Thy grace stood constant by my side, And rais'd my sinking hope. 4 While multitudes of mournful thoughts Within my bosom roll, Thy boundless love forgives my faults, Thy comforts cheer my soul. 5 Powers of iniquity may rise, And frame pernicious laws; But God my refuge rules the skies, He will defend my cause. 6 Let malice vent her rage aloud, Let bold blasphemers scoff; The Lord our God shall judge the proud, And cut the sinners off. Topics: Afflicted Saints happy; Afflictions instruction by them; Afflictions sanctified; Afflictions of saints and sinners different; Comfort and Support in God; Deliverance from persecution; God our Support and Comfort; Instructive afflictions; Persecution Deliverance from it; Persecutors deliverance from them; Saints chastised and Sinners destroyed; Sanctified afflictions; Afflicted Saints happy; Afflictions instruction by them; Afflictions sanctified; Afflictions of saints and sinners different; Comfort and Support in God; Deliverance from persecution; God our Support and Comfort; Instructive afflictions; Persecution Deliverance from it; Persecutors deliverance from them; Saints chastised and Sinners destroyed; Sanctified afflictions Scripture: Psalm 94:16-23
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A Psalm before Prayer

Appears in 144 hymnals First Line: Sing to the Lord, Jehovah's name Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord, Jehovah's name, And in his strength rejoice; When his salvation is our theme, Exalted be our voice. 2 With thanks approach his awful sight, And psalms of honour sing; The Lord's a God of boundless might, The whole creation's King. 3 Let princes hear, let angels know, How mean their natures seem, Those gods on high, and gods below, When once compar'd with him. 4 Earth, with its caverns dark and deep, Lies in his spacious hand; He fix'd the seas what bounds to keep, And where the hills must stand. 5 Come, and with humble souls adore, Come, kneel before his face; Oh may the creatures of his power Be children of his grace! 6 Now is the time, he bends his ear, And waits for your request; Come, lest he rouze his wrath and swear, "Ye shall not see my rest." Topics: Delaying Sinners warned; Devotion daily; Psalm before prayer; Psalm before sermon; Unbelief punished; Delaying Sinners warned; Devotion daily; Psalm before prayer; Psalm before sermon; Unbelief punished Scripture: Psalm 95
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Canaan lost through Unbelief; or, a Warning to delaying Sinners

Appears in 95 hymnals First Line: Come let our voices join to raise Lyrics: 1 Come let our voices join to raise A sacred song of solemn praise: God is a sovereign King; rehearse His honour in exalted verse. 2 Come, let our souls address the Lord, Who fram'd our natures with his word, He is our shepherd; we the sheep His mercy chose, his pastures keep. 3 Come, let us hear his voice to-day, The counsels of his love obey, Nor let our harden'd hearts renew The sins and plagues that Israel knew. 4 Israel, that saw his works of grace Yet tempt their Maker to his face; A faithless unbelieving brood, That tir'd the patience of their God. 5 Thus saith the Lord, "How false they prove! "Forget my power, abuse my love; "Since they despise my rest, I swear, "Their feet shall never enter there." 6 [Look back, my soul, with holy dread, And view those antient rebels dead; Attend the offer'd grace to day, Nor lose the blessings by delay. 7 Seize the kind promise while it waits, And march to Zion’s heavenly gates; Believe, and take the promis'd rest; Obey, and be forever blest.] Topics: Delaying Sinners warned; Devotion daily; Psalm before prayer; Psalm before sermon; Unbelief punished; Delaying Sinners warned; Devotion daily; Psalm before prayer; Psalm before sermon; Unbelief punished Scripture: Psalm 95:6-11
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Christ's first and second Coming

Appears in 199 hymnals First Line: Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, Ye tribes of every tongue; His new discover'd grace demands A new and nobler song. 2 Say to the nations, Jesus reigns, God's own almighty Son; His power the sinking world sustains, And grace surrounds his throne. 3 Let heaven proclaim the joyful day, Joy through the earth be seen; Let cities shine in bright array, And fields in cheerful green. 4 The joyous earth, the bending skies His glorious train display; Ye mountains sink, ye vallies rise, Prepare the Lord his way. 5 Behold he comes, he comes to bless The nations as their God; To shew the world his righteousness, And send his truth abroad. 6 His voice shall raise the slumbering dead, And bid the world draw near; But how the guilty nations dread, To see their Judge appear! Topics: Christ first and second Coming; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Gentiles owning the true God; God his power and majesty; Incarnation; Jehovah reigns; Judgement Day; Christ first and second Coming; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Gentiles owning the true God; God his power and majesty; Incarnation; Jehovah reigns; Judgement Day Scripture: Psalm 96:10-13
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Christ's Incarnation and the last Judgment

Appears in 43 hymnals First Line: Let earth, with every isle and sea Lyrics: 1 Let earth, with every isle and sea Rejoice, the Saviour reigns: His word like fire prepares his way, And mountains melt to plains. 2 His presence sinks the proudest hills, And makes the vallies rise; The humble soul enjoys his smiles, The haughty sinner dies. 3 The heavens his rightful power proclaim; The idol gods around Fill their own worshippers with shame, And totter to the ground. 4 Adoring angels at his birth Make the Redeemer known; Thus shall he come to judge the earth, And angels guard his throne. 5 His foes shall tremble at his sight, And hills and seas retire: His children take their unknown flight, And leave the world in fire. 6 The seeds of joy and glory sown For saints in darkness here, Shall rise and spring in worlds unknown, And a rich harvest bear. Topics: Angels all subject to Christ; Christ first and second Coming; Christ his majesty; Glory and grace promised; God the judge; God his vengeance and compassion; Grace and glory; Incarnation; Jehovah reigns; Angels all subject to Christ; Christ first and second Coming; Christ his majesty; Glory and grace promised; God the judge; God his vengeance and compassion; Grace and glory; Incarnation; Jehovah reigns Scripture: Psalm 97:11
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Christ's Kingdom and Majesty

Appears in 60 hymnals First Line: The God Jehovah reigns Lyrics: 1 The God Jehovah reigns, Let all the nations fear; Let sinners tremble at his throne, And saints be humble there. 2 Jesus the Saviour reigns, Let earth adore its Lord; Bright cherubs his attendants stand, Swift to fulfil his word. 3 In Zion stands his throne, His honours are divine; His church shall make his wonders known, For there his glories shine. 4 How holy is his name! How terrible his praise! Justice and truth, and judgement join In all his works of grace. Topics: Christ his majesty; Fears in the worship of God; Mortality and God's eternity; Reverence in worship; Worship with reverence; Christ his majesty; Fears in the worship of God; Mortality and God's eternity; Reverence in worship; Worship with reverence Scripture: Psalm 99
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A holy God worshiped with Reverence

Appears in 115 hymnals First Line: Exalt the Lord our God Lyrics: 1 Exalt the Lord our God, And worship at his feet; His nature is all holiness, And mercy is his seat. 2 When Israel was his church, When Aaron was his priest, When Moses cry'd, when Samuel pray'd, He gave his people rest. 3 Oft he forgave their sins; Nor would destroy their race; And oft he made his vengeance known, When they abus'd his grace. 4 Exalt the Lord our God, Whose grace is still the same; Still he's a God of holiness, And jealous for his name. Topics: Christ his majesty; Fears in the worship of God; Mortality and God's eternity; Reverence in worship; Worship with reverence; Christ his majesty; Fears in the worship of God; Mortality and God's eternity; Reverence in worship; Worship with reverence Scripture: Psalm 99
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A prayer of the afflicted

Appears in 62 hymnals First Line: Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face Lyrics: 1 Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face, But answer, lest I die; Hast thou not built a throne of grace, To hear when sinners cry? 2 My days are wasted like the smoke Dissolving in the air; My strength is dry'd, my heart is broke, And sinking in despair. 3 My spirits flag like withering grass Burnt with excessive heat: In secret groans my minutes pass, And I forget to eat. 4 As on some lonely building’s top, The sparrow tells her moan, Far from the tents of joy and hope I sit and grieve alone. 5 My soul is like a wilderness Where beasts of midnight howl; Where the sad raven finds her place, And where the screaming owl. 6 Dark dismal thoughts and boding fears Dwell in my troubled breast; While sharp reproaches wound my ears, Nor give my spirit rest. 7 My cup is mingled with my woes, And tears are my repast; My daily bread, like ashes grows Unpleasant to my taste. 8 Sense can afford no real joy To souls that feel thy frown; Lord ’twas thy hand advanc'd me high Thy hand hath cast me down. 9 My looks like wither'd leaves appear; And life’s declining light Grows faint as evening-shadows are, That vanish into night. 10 But thou forever art the same, O my eternal God; Ages to come shall know thy name, And spread thy works abroad. 11 Thou wilt arise, and show thy face, Nor will my Lord delay, Beyond th’ appointed hour of grace, That long expected day. 12 He hears his saints, he knows their cry, And by mysterious ways, Redeems the prisoners, doom'd to die, And fills their tongues with praise. Topics: Christ the eternal Creator; Christ his Godhead; Church restored by prayer; Complaint general; God Eternal and Man mortal; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation; Man mortal and Christ eternal; Mortality and God's eternity; Prayer heard and Zion restored; Saints die but, Christ lives; Christ the eternal Creator; Christ his Godhead; Church restored by prayer; Complaint general; God Eternal and Man mortal; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation; Man mortal and Christ eternal; Mortality and God's eternity; Prayer heard and Zion restored; Saints die but, Christ lives Scripture: Psalm 102:1-13


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