Alvis O. Thomas

Short Name: Alvis O. Thomas
Full Name: Thomas, Alvis O.
Birth Year: 1886
Death Year: 1929

Alvis Overton Thomas, born and died in Texas.

Dianne Shapiro, from Find a Grave website (accessed 6/17/2022)

Tunes by Alvis O. Thomas (4)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[All hail the power of Jesus' name] (Thomas)A. O. Thomas (Composer)251112 34565 12354
[God wants you to herald the story]Alvis O. Thomas (Composer)334555 56715 34565
[I've got a shoes, and you've got a shoes]Alvis O. Thomas (Arranger)211135 11133 23321
[We are told that a great day is coming]Alvis O. Thomas (Composer)551332 33431 17667
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