C. A. Roberts › Tunes

Short Name: C. A. Roberts
Full Name: Roberts, C. A.
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by C. A. Roberts (8)AsInstancessort descendingIncipit
LLANFAIRC. A. Roberts (Arranger)111335 43254 34321
ST. FLAVIANC. A. R. (Arranger)111713 22114 31233
DIR DIR JEHOVAHC. A. Roberts (Adapter)251566 54321 23456
[Rest of the weary] (Roberts)C. A. Roberts (Composer)212321 66171 45654
[Rejoice and sing that God is great!]C. A. Roberts (Composer)254321 12123 56715
EUCHARISTIAC. A. Roberts (Composer)2
[High above the seraphim]C. A. Roberts (Arranger)255517 65333 65431
[Little children, from above]C. A. Roberts (Composer)232156 17117 64321
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