Robert LeBlanc

Short Name: Robert LeBlanc
Full Name: LeBlanc, Robert, 1948-
Birth Year: 1948 does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Robert LeBlanc (18)AsInstancessort descendingIncipit
AVE VERUMRobert LeBlanc, b. 1948 (Arranger)112312 14323 21712
[Jesus is the image of the unseen God]RL (Composer (Antiphon and tone))255456 67654 2
CONSUMMATION (Leblanc)Robert LeBlanc, b. 1948 (Composer)211232 17121 55123
[Let us sing to the Lord] (LeBlanc)RL (Composer)221223 4
[Lord, let your face shine on us]Robert LeBlanc (Composer (antiphon))2
[Truly we know our offences, Lord]RL (Composer (Antiphon))255434 5434
[O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you]RL (Composer)274217
[I turn to you, O Lord, in time of trouble]RL (Composer)224346 17656 2
[I have called to you, Lord; hasten to help me] (Plainsong)Robert LeBlanc, OSB (Arranger)255465 43344 41332
REVELATION (LeBlanc)Robert LeBlanc, b. 1948 (Composer)211232 17571 1243
[Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us]Robert LeBlanc (Composer)311712 31323 171
[Chant] (LeBlanc)Robert LeBlanc (Composer)317123 13231 71
[God, my Lord, is my strength]RC (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))353432
[O Lord, come and save us]RL (Composer)356176 5
REGINA CAELI (45456)Robert LeBlanc, OSB, b. 1948 (Arranger)445456 76576 54411
PARCE DOMINERobert LeBlanc, OSB, b. 1949 (Arranger (acc.))855544 35554 43333
[Ave Maria, gratia plena] (Gregorian)Robert LeBlanc, OSB, b. 1948 (Arranger)941226 76654 56665
[Chant] (LeBlanc 12322)Robert LeBlanc (Composer)1312322 34321 1
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