Chester W. Greene

Short Name: Chester W. Greene
Full Name: Greene, Chester W. does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Chester W. Greene (18)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[All hail the friends of truth and right!]C. W. Greene (Composer)234555 55434 55665
[Awake! for the trumpet is sounding afar] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)251111 51333 33542
[God might have made the earth bring forth]C. W. Greene (Composer)256531 21771 21254
[Grander than ocean's story] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)232161 53342 34653
[Hark! the lilies whisper] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)255555 45453 54323
[In their modest brightness, pure and sweet]Chester W. Greene (Composer)3
[Listen to the joyous strain]C. W. Greene (Composer)232176 53512 12353
[Merry Christmas, merry Christmas] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)253165 53165 17121
[O forgive and forget, for this life is too fleeting] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)255321 53561 66555
[Ring out, merry bells in the steeple] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)251365 14321 13567
[Silent night, shadowy night] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)254531 65777 77722
[Sing of the love of God to me]C. W. Greene (Composer)215133 13553 15315
[Soldiers of righteousness]C. W. Greene (Composer)256711 12123 33217
[Tell us not the world's a barren waste]C. W. Greene (Composer)255321 72176 53334
[The bird that soars on highest wing]C. W. Greene (Composer)211234 56556 34452
[To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)255332 12166 51123
[Whiter than snow! beautiful snow!]C. W. Greene (Composer)254533 23112 35432
[With songs of rejoicing, hosannas and praise] (Greene)C. W. Greene (Composer)255453 21176 55544
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