Bruce E. Ford

Short Name: Bruce E. Ford
Full Name: Ford, Bruce E., 1947-
Birth Year: 1947 does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Bruce E. Ford (21)AsInstancessort descendingIncipit
[Lord, you now have set your servant free]Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)171334 43454 34411
[Holy God, Holy and Mighty] (Plainsong, Mode 1)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)113217 11554 3455
[Chant] (Anaphoral)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)257171 21717 75
[Blessed art thou, O Lord God of our fathers] (Tone 8)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)255166 54566 54
[Mine eyes have seen thy salvation] (Plainsong)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter (antiphon))244245 44232 71
[O Lord and Ruler of the hosts of heaven]Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter (antiphon))255166 54566 54
[You are God : we praise you] (Plainsong, Te Deum Tone)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)267111 71232 15711
[O Gracious Light] (65646)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Centonizer)265646 54431 34656
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Missa Marialis)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)216456 54354 4
[My soul doth magnify the Lord] (Mode 8)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter (antiphon))251656 54566 55
[I will sing to the Lord for he has risen up in might] (Plainsong, Tone 1)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter (antiphon))263353 771
[My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord] (Plainsong)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)234545 66165 4
[Splendor and honor and kingly power] (Plainsong Tone 8)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)251656 54566 55712
[Chant] (Tone 4)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)243443 45434 531
[Christ has died, Christ is risen] (Antiphon Tone)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)221232 1322
[Through the tender mercy of our God] (Tonus Peregrinus)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)234656 77716 54
[Surely it is God who saves me] (Tone 3)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)256617 65653 4565
[In the tender compassion of our God]Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)2
[O ruler of the universe, Lord God] (Plainsong, Tone 1)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)243676 71117 21761
[Chant] (43443)Bruce E. Ford (Adapter)243443 45434 53114
[Chant] (32346)Bruce E. Ford, b. 1947 (Adapter)432346 54554
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