Mattie Dyer Britts

Short Name: Mattie Dyer Britts
Full Name: Britts, Mattie Dyer, 1842-
Birth Year: 1842 does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Mattie Dyer Britts (5)AsAuthority LanguagesInstancessort descending
Let me cling, O, Rock of agesMattie Dyer Britts (Author)English2
'Neath the Banner of the Cross I lay my soulMattie D. Britts (Author)English2
Oft with broken spiritMattie Dyer Britts (Author)English2
When the spirit worn and wearyMattie Dyer Britts (Author)English2
O weary pilgrim, through life's dayM. D. Britts (Author)English4
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