Our Great Redeemer's Praise

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Is the newly published hymnal, "Our Great Redeemer's Praise" going to be added to the database soon? It is available on seedbed.com. All of the hymns in it are included elsewhere, but I know that many of us would like to be able to see if a particular hymn is included in that collection or not, and what are the specific lyrics for the verses in it. I would find it very helpful, anyway. Since I have the hymnal, I would be willing to contribute to the collection.


The publisher has approached us to get this hymnal added. We are still in negotiations.

Both getting my own copy and being able to check on it in Hymnary...

I spoke with a hymnal representative at the Seedbed New Room conference and he confirmed they are in negotiations and to be looking for it within the next few months. I'm specifically looking for orchestra transpositions. I have the orchestra books for 'The Hymnal for Celebration and Praise' and they are so convenient but I would like the same for 'Our Great Redeemer's Praise' since that's our our official hymnal as a church.