Blue Presbyterian Hymnal

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We have about 200-300 blue Presbyterian Hymnals to donate. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks.


Do you still have any of these. We're based in Minnesota and would love to have a few of these if you do!


I need 50 Blue Trinity Hymnals, if you still have them.

Do you still have some blue Presbyterian Hymnals? I would love to get 60-100.

Thank you,

Looking for Trinity Hymnals for our Bible study and church. Near Chicago suburbs. Please contact me if available.
Thank you.

I teach at a high school in the Detroit area, and we would love to get a set of 65 hymnals to use in class for daily sight-reading.

We will gladly pay for shipping. Do you still have any available?

I need 50 Blue Trinity Hymnals.
sara edward