Product Types: Downloadable File

The Complete Organist (Accessible Service Music for the Church Year)

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Scored for Organ

From the anticipation of Advent, the joys of Christmas, meditative Lent, pensive Holy Week and redemptive Easter, and continuing through the celebrations of Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saint's Day, Reformation, Missions Sunday, and Thanksgiving, this generous, hearty and abundant collection of approachable and not difficult organ music is a godsend for those planning their church year, while enriching their organ library. Music for the observance of Holy Communion and special Patriotic Days are also included. Scores of stunning settings of well-known hymn tunes abound in this inspiring compilation of forty-six various preludes, postludes and offertories. Registration for all organs and accurate timings will assist "the complete organist" in this fresh, stimulating and invaluable volume.

Voicing: Org 2-staff

Product Types: Downloadable File
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Product Previews: 
James Southbridge
Season: Easter
Instrumentation: Organ