The White Ribbon Hymnal: or Echoes of the Crusade, compiled for the National and World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Editor: Anna A. Gordon
Publisher: Woman's Temperance Publishing Association, Chicago, Ill., 1892
Language: English
Notes: Hymns are numbered by page numbers
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
7Christ for the world we sing[Christ for the world we sing]Page Scan
8We should fill the hours with the sweetest things[We should fill the hours with the sweetest things]Page Scan
10America, so proud and freeDIE WACHT AM RHEINPage Scan
11To the hills I'll lift mine eyes[To the hills I'll lift mine eyes]Page Scan
12Launched on the wave, is the ship Prohibition[Launched on the wave, is the ship Prohibition]Page Scan
14aMy country, 'tis of thee[My country, 'tis of thee]Page Scan
14bGod bless our native land[God bless our native land]Page Scan
15aGod bless our fathers' landPage Scan
15bGod save our gracious QueenPage Scan
15cIt singeth low in every heartPage Scan
16Love's light illumines the pathway ye trod[Love's light illumines the pathway ye trod]Page Scan
19Rouse ye, men who freedom boast[Rouse ye, men who freedom boast]Page Scan
20Out from the hearth stone the children go[Out from the hearth stone the children go]Page Scan
22I see the wrong that round me lies[I see the wrong that round me lies]Page Scan
23aSleep, soldiers, gently[Sleep, soldier, gently]Page Scan
23bCome with bright garlands, sweet-scented and rarePage Scan
24Angel of Peace, thou hast wandered too long[Angel of Peace, thou hast wandered too long]Page Scan
25From thy broad Atlantic harbors[From thy broad Atlantic harbors]Page Scan
26To thee, O country, great and free[To thee, O country, great and free]Page Scan
28O the ribbon, the white, white ribbon[O the ribbon, the white, white ribbon]Page Scan
30Arise, ye valiant men of God[Arise, ye valiant men of God]Page Scan
32For God, and home, and every landPage Scan
33O God, in Thy strength, on our weakness look down[O God, in Thy strength, on our weakness look down]Page Scan
34There's a better time a-coming[There's a better time a-coming]Page Scan
35Our cause shall on and upward goNAUFORDPage Scan
36aThe Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want[The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want]Page Scan
36bOne field the wheeling world[One field the wheeling world]Page Scan
37Now the day is over[Now the day is over]Page Scan
38aLord, when we pray "Thy kingdom come"[Lord, when we pray "Thy kingdom come"]Page Scan
38bGlory be to the Father, and to the Son[Glory be to the Father, and to the Son]Page Scan
39Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom[Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom]Page Scan
40Praise God, from whom all blessings flow[Praise God, from whom all blessings flow]Page Scan
41Strength to the fainting onesPage Scan
42Jews were wrought to cruel madness[Jews were wrought to cruel madness]Page Scan
43To Thee, eternal King[To Thee, eternal King]Page Scan
44Our fathers have purchased, with tears and with blood[Our fathers have purchased, with tears and with blood]Page Scan
46aJesus, Savior, pilot me[Jesus, Savior, pilot me]Page Scan
46bThe glory of the Lord[The glory of the Lord]Page Scan
47Father in heaven, hear us todayPage Scan
48Day is dying in the west[Day is dying in the west]Page Scan
49Oft in the stilly night[Oft in the stilly night]Page Scan
50If I were a voice, a persuasive voice[If I were a voice, a persuasive voice]Page Scan
53When shall we meet again[When shall we meet again]Page Scan
54All round the world[All round the world]Page Scan
56I looked over Jordan, and what did I see[I looked over Jordan, and what did I see]Page Scan
57Once to ev'ry man and nation[Once to ev'ry man and nation]Page Scan
58My Lord calls me[My Lord calls me]Page Scan
59In thy cleft, O Rock of Ages[In thy cleft, O Rock of Ages]Page Scan
60Where are the friends that to me were so dear?[Where are the friends that to me were so dear?]Page Scan
62Of old rode forth a knight[Of old rode forth a knight]Page Scan
63O look around, for work is here[O look around, for work is here]Page Scan
64Hark! the herald angels sing[Hark! the herald angels sing]Page Scan
65aGod ever glorious[God ever glorious]Page Scan
65bOh, not as strangers do we partPage Scan
66There's an undertone of sighing[There's an undertone of sighing]Page Scan
67Sunset and Evening StarRIALTOPage Scan
68De Massa ob de sheepfel'[De Massa ob de sheepfel']Page Scan
70Each cooing dove and sighing bough[Each cooing dove and sighing bough]Page Scan
72I will sing you a song of that beautiful land[I will sing you a song of that beautiful land]Page Scan
74Thro' the ripple of the moments[Thro' the ripple of the moments]Page Scan
75Great Builder, from whose perfect thought[Great Builder, from whose perfect thought]Page Scan
76How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood[How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood]Page Scan
77Only a cup of water[Only a cup of water]Page Scan
78To the breeze we fling our banner[To the breeze we fling our banner]Page Scan
81aFor God and Home and Ev'ry Land[For God and Home and Ev'ry Land]Page Scan
81bO trust ye in the Lord forever!Page Scan
82Nobly our Flag flutters o'er us today[Nobly our Flag flutters o'er us today]Page Scan
85How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]Page Scan
86From the court of God in Heaven[From the court of God in Heaven]Page Scan
88I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger[I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger]Page Scan
90Oh, think of the tears that silently fall[Oh, think of the tears that silently fall]Page Scan
92aGently, Lord, O gently lead usGREENVILLEPage Scan
92bIn heav'nly love abiding[In heav'nly love abiding]Page Scan
93One sweetly solemn thought[One sweetly solemn thought]Page Scan
94aFear not, O little flock, the foe[Fear not, O little flock, the foe]Page Scan
94bSafe home, safe home in port![Safe home, safe home in port!]Page Scan
95Hallelujah! praise Jehovah[Hallelujah! praise Jehovah]Page Scan
96Dear Redeemer, Thou hast kept us[Dear Redeemer, Thou hast kept us]Page Scan
97Sleep sweet within[Sleep sweet within]Page Scan
98Sweet day, when broke the smould'ring light[Sweet day, when broke the smould'ring light]Page Scan
100With silence only as their benediction[With silence only as their benediction]Page Scan
101The conflict deepens o'er the landAULD LANG SYNEPage Scan
102I was a wandering sheep[I was a wandering sheep]Page Scan
103Guide me, O Thou great JehovahPage Scan
104The Master stood in His garden[The Master stood in His garden]Page Scan
106For God and Home and Native Land![For God and Home and Native Land!]Page Scan
107Give to the winds thy fearsST. THOMASPage Scan
108A mighty host from coast to coast[A mighty host from coast to coast]Page Scan
110For God, our great Commander[For God, our great Commander]Page Scan
111God bless our native landPage Scan
112There are bands of ribbon white around the world[There are bands of ribbon white around the world]Page Scan
115aAbide with me! fast falls the eventide[Abide with me! fast falls the eventide]Page Scan
115bBlest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
116Sweet by and by![Sweet by and by!]Page Scan
117aLord, speak to me, that I may speakPage Scan
117bMy dear Redeemer, and my Lord[My dear Redeemer, and my Lord]Page Scan
118Who are these with emblems white[Who are these with emblems white]Page Scan
119Hark! Through the land I hear the cryPage Scan
120Not far away does that bright city stand[Not far away does that bright city stand]Page Scan
121There's a light that is beaming abovePage Scan

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