The Vestry Hymn Book

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d1A broken heart, my God, my King
d2A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify
d3A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill
d4Abide with us, the evening shades
d5Acquaint thee, O mortal, acquaint thee with God
d6Again returns the day of holy rest
d7Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
d8All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d9All scenes alike engaging prove
d10Almighty Maker of my frame
d11Almighty Ruler of the skies
d12Always with us, always with us, Words of cheer
d13Am I a soldier of the cross
d14And canst thou, sinner, slight
d15And will the Judge descend [ascend]
d16Angels from the realms of glory
d17Arise, my soul, arise, shake off
d18Arise, my soul, my joyful powers
d19Arise, ye people, and adore
d20As, in soft silence, vernal showers
d21As o'er the past my memory strays
d22As pants the hart for cooling flood [springs] [streams]
d23As when the [a] weary traveler gains
d24Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep
d25Assembled at thine altar, Lord
d26Assembled at thy great command
d27Assembled in our school once more
d28At anchor laid, remote from home
d29At thy footstool, humbly bending
d30Awake, and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb
d31Awake, arise, and hail the morn
d32Awake, my soul, and with the sun
d33Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] lays
d34Awake my soul, stretch every nerve
d35Awake, our souls, away our fears
d36Awaked by Sinai's awful sound
d37Be joyful in God, all ye lands
d38Be thou, O God, exalted high
d39Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst [amid] his father's throne
d40Behold the heathen waits to know
d41Behold the morning sun
d42Behold the Savior at the [thy] door
d43Beneath our feet and o'er our head
d44Bestow, O [dear] Lord, upon our youth
d45Beyond where Cedron's [Kedron's] waters flow
d46Blessed [Blest] are the sons of God
d47Blest are the sons of peace
d48Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
d49Blest Comforter divine, let [whose] rays
d50Blest is the man, whose softening [generous] heart
d51Blest, who with generous pity glows
d52Blow ye [you] the trumpet, blow
d53Breast the wave Christian
d54Brightest and best of the sons [stars] of the morning
d55Brightness of the Father's glory, Shall thy praise unuttered lie
d56Broad is the road [stream] that leads to death [wrath]
d57By cool Siloam's shady rill
d58Child of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismay
d59Children hear the melting story
d60Children of the heavenly king as we journey
d61Christ leads me through no darker rooms
d62Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]
d63Christian, see the orient morning
d64Christians and brethren [Christians, brethren], ere we part
d65Come all ye [you] saints of God
d66Come, blessed Spirit, source of [heavenly] light
d67Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
d68Come hither, all ye [you] weary souls
d69Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with all thy quickening powers
d70Come, humble sinner, in whose breast
d71Come, let our voices join
d72Come, let us anew our journey pursue
d73Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne
d74Come, let us lift our joyful eyes Up to the [To heavenly] courts above
d75Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
d76Come, O my [our] soul [souls], in sacred [joyous] lays
d77Come, O ye saints, your voices raise
d78Come, saith [said] [says] Jesus' sacred voice
d79Come sound his praise [name] abroad, And hymns
d80Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing
d81Come, thou Desire of all thy saints
d82Come thou fount of every blessing
d83Come, thou soul transforming Spirit
d84Come to Calvary's holy mountain, Sinners ruined by the fall
d85Come, ye souls by sin afflicted
d86Come, ye [you] disconsolate, where'er ye [you] languish
d87Come ye [you] sinners, poor and wretched [needy], Weak and wounded
d88Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
d89Consider all my sorrows, Lord, And thy deliverance send
d90Dark brood the heavens o'er thee
d91Day of judgment, day of wonders
d92Dear is the hallowed morn to me When sabbath bells awake the day
d93Dear Lord, and shall thy Spirit rest in such [this] a wretched heart as mine
d94Dear refuge of my [the] weary soul, On thee, when sorows rise
d95Dearest of all the names above, My Jesus and my God
d96Delay not, delay not: O sinner [drunkard] draw near
d97Delightful work, young souls to win
d98Depth of mercy, can there be, Mercy still reserved for me?
d99Do not I love thee, O my Lord [God]? Behold my heart and see
d100Dread Jehovah, God of nations

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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