Tullar's Song Treasury

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d1Afar from the old paths which once I trod
d2After days of toil are ended
d3All the boats are coming home
d4All unworthy though I be
d5An exile and a stranger, helpless and far astray
d6Anywhere He wants me; Jesus is the way
d7Arise, arise, arise, be not afraid
d8As the sunbeams creep over the hilltop
d9Awake, awake, bugle note is heard
d10Beneath the cross of Jesus My soul once bowed with sin
d11By devious paths of light and thought
d12Can I forget Gethsemane
d13Christ, our mighty Captain, leads against the foe
d14Dark is the way which I am called to tread
d15Dear Lord, no priceless gift I hold
d16Do not count the battle lost, my brother
d17Down where the lilies are riding the deep
d18Face to face with Christ my Savior
d19Father, send thy children peace
d20For God so loved, 'tis written
d21For our blessed Lord's appearing
d22From Bozrah in garments dyed crimson
d23God made the earth, the sea, and sky
d24God will take care of me, why should I fear, Help all-prevailing
d25Going forth to serve for Jesus
d26He came as a stranger and lowly his lot
d27He came to earth a stranger
d28He clothed the fair lily
d29Hear ye the Master's call, give me thy best
d30Hold thou my hand in thine dear lord
d31How free and boundless are thy mercies
d32How many hours of anguish spent
d33I am happy in my Savior glad and happy as can be
d34I am happy, O, so happy as I journey on my way
d35I come, dear Savior, with this plea
d36I dream a thousand blessed dreams
d37I have a mighty Savior
d38I have found a refuge, here will I abide
d39I need a listening time
d40I shall see my Lord in the morning
d41I will give my best to Jesus
d42I will lift my heart in praise
d43I would go where Jesus sends me
d44If ever my feet should grow weary
d45If Jesus came to you tonight
d46If the clouds are dark and dreary
d47If the way seems hard with the march
d48I'll have a home in heaven
d49I'm redeemed with a price
d50In dreams so vain I've tried to trace
d51In his undying love Christ came
d52In the garden they laid him
d53It was Jacob of old who had promised
d54I've a throne and kingdom down deep in my soul
d55Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult
d56Jesus is coming to earth once again
d57Jesus spake but a word to the man
d58Jesus, the Savior, dying on Calvary
d59Joy and sorrow I may share
d60Just a dainty basket filled with autumn bloom
d61Just a look within the portals
d62Just one drop from His wounded side
d63Keep your eyes on Jesus day by day
d64Life is like a flight through cloudland
d65Lift today your heads, ye mighty gates
d66Lift up the cross and let the world behold
d67Lift up thine eyes O soul oppressed
d68Like unto Jesus I would be
d69My blessed Lord was crucified, The day was dark
d70My days with sunshine shall be frought
d71My soul was left alone with God
d72My soul was sick, by sin opprest [oppressed]
d73Nearer, draw nearer, O Savior divine
d74Never was there such a Savior
d75No mother's hand to lead me
d76Not from the conflict, Lord
d77O blessed morn, when Christ was born
d78O Savior dear, my heart o'erflows With gladness that I through wondrous grace
d79O the world finds a charm
d80O'er a trackless sea I'm sailing
d81On the steadfast Rock I'm resting
d82Once I heard a song of sweetness
d83Once I thought I walked with Jesus
d84Onward Christian soldiers, every voice sing
d85Open my eyes, O Lord, thee would I know
d86Over hill and valley ring
d87Over yonder there is rest
d88Robes of beauty clothe the lilies white and fair
d89Shall I crucify my Savior, when for me
d90Shut in with Jesus from the strife
d91Since I've found the blessed Savior
d92Some days are dark, some days are fair
d93Somebody cares for sinners
d94Sometimes I see through mists
d95Sweet peace is mine, With joy divine
d96Take up the battle cry
d97Tell me, will you love my Savior
d98Tell the world I found my Savior
d99Thank God, thank God for the deep blue sea
d100The good old days which once we knew

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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