Times of Refreshing: Old and New Century Hymns and Songs. 20th cent. ed.

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d201Sometimes there's joy and oft times grief
d202Sooner or later the storm shall beat
d203Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness
d204Spread the news of the coming of the Savior
d205Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d206Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
d207Sweet was the time when first I felt
d208Sweetly, Lord, have we heard thee calling
d209Take my life, and let it be, consecrated
d210Teach us to pray, O Father, we look up to thee
d211Tell me all about Jesus
d212Tell me, brothers, will you meet me
d213Tenderly lay her to rest
d214The church has waited long
d215The cross, it standeth fast
d216The cross, the cross, the bloodstained cross
d217The great Physician now is near
d218The great Physician on Jericho's road
d219The peals of midnight bells
d220The Spirit and the bride say come
d221There is a country calm and fair
d222There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d223There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d224There is a Rock in a weary land
d225There shall be showers of blessing, falling
d226There were ninety and nine that [who] safely lay
d227There'll be light in the valley when Jesus comes
d228There's a great day coming, a great day coming
d229There's a great judgement day that is coming
d230There's a home in heaven for me by and by
d231There's a land, a bright and sunny land
d232There's a wail from the islands of the sea
d233There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus
d234Thousands lie in sin and sorrow
d235'Tis grace, 'tis grace, 'tis wonderful grace
d236To stand with the glorified ones
d237Together let us travel on
d238'Twas on that [a] dark, that [and] doleful [awful] [dreary] night [day]
d239We are Christian soldiers, Fighting for our King
d240We are dwelling now in Canaan
d241We are hoping on for the golden dawn
d242We are little travelers, marching home to God
d243We are traveling to a better land
d244We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
d245We shall reach our home some sweet day
d246We shall reach the river side
d247Weeping may last for a night
d248We'll all gather home in the morning
d249We'll battle for the right
d250Well wife, I've found the model church
d251What a fellowship, what a joy divine
d252What a friend we have in Jesus
d253What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
d254What ship is this that will [shall] take us all home
d255What various hindrances we meet
d256What wondrous love is this, O my soul
d257When bowed with affliction [afflictions] and woe [woes]
d258When I can read my title clear
d259When Jesus laid his crown aside
d260When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d261When that awful day shall come
d262When the faithful were assembled
d263When the jubal trump has sounded
d264When we in the judgment stand
d265While with one accord assembled
d266Who can describe the joys that rise
d267Who will carry me over the river
d268Witness, ye men and angels, now
d269Wives and husbands there shall meet
d270Write, blessed are the dead, who die in Christian
d271Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaim
d272Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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