The Songs of Zion: the new official hymnal of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Editor: Rev. Wm. Thos. Dale, D.D., Chas. Edw. Pollock
Publisher: The A. S. Barnes Company, New York, 1915
Denomination: Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501Down at the cross where my Saviour diedGLORY TO HIS NAMEPage Scan
502I hear Thy welcome voiceI HEAR THY WELCOME VOICEPage Scan
503Thou my everlasting portionCLOSE TO THEEPage Scan
504Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray'rWALFORDPage Scan
505Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray'rSWEET HOUR OF PRAYERPage Scan
506My God, is any hour so sweetTHE HOUR OF PRAYERPage Scan
507If now in sorrow weepingTELL EVERYTHING TO JESUSPage Scan
508He leadeth me! O blessed thoughtHE LEADETH MEPage Scan
509Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!BLESSED ASSURANCEPage Scan
510How sweet and heav'nly is the sightBROWNPage Scan
511Blest are the sons of peaceBEDDOMEPage Scan
512I can not think of them as deadCLENDENNINGPage Scan
513Think gently of the erring oneSPRINGPage Scan
514"Where two or three," with sweet accordWELTONPage Scan
515Our souls, by love together knitNEW LABANONPage Scan
516It singeth low in ev'ry heartMORROW'S HILLPage Scan
517Blest be the tie that bindDENNISPage Scan
518Had I the tongues of Greeks and JewsSESSIONSPage Scan
519Give me the wings of faith to riseOSAGEPage Scan
520How pleasant thus to dwell belowCOUNCIL GROVEPage Scan
521Over Jordan we shall meetBY AND BYPage Scan
522Shall we meet beyond the riverSHALL WE MEET?Page Scan
523When shall meet again?NEW UNITYPage Scan
524The time has come when we must partGOOD-BYEPage Scan
525Once more, my soul, the rising dayDODDRIDGEPage Scan
526Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hearWARWICKPage Scan
527Sweet is the work, my God, my KingWAREPage Scan
528Sweet is the work, O LordCAPITOL HILLPage Scan
529My God, accept my early vowsHAMBURGPage Scan
530God of my life, my morning songHEBERPage Scan
531Thus far the Lord has led me onHEBRONPage Scan
532When the day at last is overHOLDENPage Scan
533Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
534Softly now the light of dayVANDYKEPage Scan
535The day, O Lord, is spentEVENING TWILIGHTPage Scan
536The day is past and goneJEFFERSONPage Scan
537In mercy, Lord, remember meFIELDSPage Scan
538Softly fades the twilight rayLAST HOPE (Mercy)Page Scan
539Saviour, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYERPage Scan
540Tarry with me, O my SaviourTARRY WITH MEPage Scan
541I love to steal awhile awayCUMBERLANDPage Scan
542Hail, tranquil hour of closing dayNEWPORTPage Scan
543O that I knew the secret placeLELLAPage Scan
544O Lord, into my closet nowCHIMESPage Scan
545Far from the world, O Lord, I fleeSHERWINPage Scan
546Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethSTILL, STILL WITH THEEPage Scan
547Silently the shades of ev'ningMILDREDPage Scan
548Abide with me! Fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
549"Hosanna to the Son of David"HOSANNA TO THE SON OF DAVIDPage Scan
550We must work for JesusWE MUST WORK FOR JESUSPage Scan
551When He cometh, when He comethJEWELSPage Scan
552What are those soul-reviving strainsECHO GLENPage Scan
553I think, when I read that sweet story of oldTHAT SWEET STORY OF OLDPage Scan
554Shepherd of tender youthITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
555Ev'ry little kindnessANGELS' FOOTPRINTSPage Scan
556Saviour, who Thy flock art feedingKENPage Scan
557Religion is the chief concernPERRINGPage Scan
558By cool Siloam's shady rillNEW SILOAMPage Scan
559In life's gay morn, when sprightly youthPRAIRIE DELLPage Scan
560Lead them, my God, to TheeLEAD THEM TO THEEPage Scan
561Jesus loves me, this I knowJESUS LOVES MEPage Scan
562Why should I say, 'Tis yet too soonHULLPage Scan
563Around the throne of God in heav'nAROUND THE THRONE OF GODPage Scan
564Come to JesusCOME TO JESUS JUST NOWPage Scan
565We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy loveREVIVE US AGAINPage Scan
566Revive Thy work, O God!REVIVE THY WORKPage Scan
567Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessingEVEN MEPage Scan
568Saviour, visit Thy plantationLORD REVIVE USPage Scan
569Brethren, we have met to worshipHOLY MANNAPage Scan
570Oh, could I find, from day to dayCLEVELANDPage Scan
571When any turn from Zion's wayYONGSTPage Scan
572Sweet was the time when first I feltHUNTPage Scan
573O for a closer walk with GodCENTERTOWNPage Scan
574Oh, that my heart might ever feelBRIDGEWATERPage Scan
575How tedious and tasteless the hoursGREENFIELDSPage Scan
576My gracious Redeemer I loveCALEDONIAPage Scan
577On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]Page Scan
578Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppress'd[Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppress'd]Page Scan
579It was good for our fathers[It was good for our fathers]Page Scan
580Eternity! Eternity![Eternity! Eternity!]Page Scan
581The shadows of time flee before the great dawn[The shadows of time flee before the great dawn]Page Scan
582God of eternityGOD OF ETERNITYPage Scan
583O let me, gracious Lord, extendSUNSETPage Scan
584Remember, Lord, our mortal stateGILGALPage Scan
585Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling placeHERMANPage Scan
586The mighty flood that rolls alongSILOAMPage Scan
587How still and peaceful is the graveMAHONINGPage Scan
588Life is a span, a fleeting hourSTEELEPage Scan
589Life's pilgrimage, how shortFUNERAL THOUGHTPage Scan
590Write, blessed are the deadMATTHEWSPage Scan
591Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!RESTPage Scan
592How blest the righteous when he diesFUNERAL CHANTPage Scan
593Servant of God, well done!CUNNINGHAMPage Scan
594What tho' the arm of conqu'ring deathMEARPage Scan
595Go to thy rest, fair child![Go to thy rest, fair child!]Page Scan
596Rest sweetly, darling one[Rest sweetly, darling one]Page Scan
597Farewell! sweet child, farewell!MORROWPage Scan
598Alas! how changed that lovely flow'rBALERMAPage Scan
599Sunset and ev'ning starCROSSING THE BARPage Scan
600When blooming youth is snatched awayDUNDEEPage Scan

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