Songs of Praise and Worship

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1It is an excellent thing, thanking the Lord[It is an excellent thing, thanking the Lord]
2When the Lord shall return His elect from captivity[When the Lord shall return His elect from captivity]
3What a Friend we have in Jesus[What a Friend we have in Jesus]
4He leadeth me! oh! blessed thought[He leadeth me! oh! blessed thought]
5Glory! Glory! Glory to God in the highest![Glory! Glory! Glory to God in the highest!]
6There is a beauteous wonderland[There is a beauteous wonderland]
7Faithful unto death remain[Faithful unto death remain]
8My life's best delight and pleasure[My life's best delight and pleasure]
9Praise ye the Lord, Praise ye the Lord[Praise ye the Lord, Praise ye the Lord]
10O where is the home of the soul to be found?[O where is the home of the soul to be found?]
11Beloved brethren, fare ye well![Beloved brethren, fare ye well!]
12Let me go, Let me go![Let me go, Let me go!]
13Jesus, Thou my soul's Redeemer[Jesus, Thou my soul's Redeemer]
14When heaven's ways a soul forsakes[When heaven's ways a soul forsakes]
15Hallelujah, fairest morning[Hallelujah, fairest morning]
16Praise ye in His sanctuary[Praise ye in His sanctuary]
17Upward soar, my soul and spirit[Upward soar, my soul and spirit]
18We'll ne'er forsake the Bible[We'll ne'er forsake the Bible]
19When sounds the hour, O when will I be there?[When sounds the hour, O when will I be there?]
20Joyfully, joyfully onward I move[Joyfully, joyfully onward I move]
21The bands of earth henceforth I sever[The bands of earth henceforth I sever]
22Wrapped in thoughts of heav'nly nature[Wrapped in thoughts of heav'nly nature]
23Rest, my soul, in comfort[Rest, my soul, in comfort]
24Hark, how the angel hosts[Hark, how the angel hosts]
25I am striving[I am striving]
26Thank ye the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord[Thank ye the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord]
27There is a heav'nly rest awaiting[There is a heav'nly rest awaiting]
28When a Christian dies[When a Christian dies]
29Who are they before God standing[Who are they before God standing]
30For the homeland's peaceful stillness[For the homeland's peaceful stillness]
31Glorious comes the Lord my Saviour[Glorious comes the Lord my Saviour]
32Why should ye all be weeping[Why should ye all be weeping]
33Go to slumber, Without cumber[Go to slumber, Without cumber]
34Forsake me not, Lord, hear my supplication[Forsake me not, Lord, hear my supplication]
35Stay Thou with me, faithful Friend[Stay Thou with me, faithful Friend]
36The grave of Christ, the risen Lord[The grave of Christ, the risen Lord]
37What joy I feel, what peace is mine[What joy I feel, what peace is mine]
38Jesus, Thou my soul's repose[Jesus, Thou my soul's repose]
39Where goest Thou, my Saviour kind?[Where goest Thou, my Saviour kind?]
40Shall we meet again up yonder[Shall we meet again up yonder]
41Rise again shalt thou, O man of clay[Rise again shalt thou, O man of clay]
42Blessed rest, when earthly toil is ended[Blessed rest, when earthly toil is ended]
43I long for home in yon blest land[I long for home in yon blest land]
44What could be more delightful[What could be more delightful]
45When Thou shalt come in glory[When Thou shalt come in glory]
46Know ye the Son, the sacred Son of God?[Know ye the Son, the sacred Son of God?]
47Know ye that land, (On earth you'll find it not)[Know ye that land, (On earth you'll find it not)]
48To that fair celestial city[To that fair celestial city]
49Hail! my Redeemer liveth[Hail! my Redeemer liveth]
50Lord Jesus, Thou our light now be[Lord Jesus, Thou our light now be]
51To him that overcometh shall be given[To him that overcometh shall be given]
52Awaken, for past is the gloom of the night![Awaken, for past is the gloom of the night!]
53O that I were with Jesus[O that I were with Jesus]
54We who in love are bound[We who in love are bound]
55Holy Spirit, faithful Guide[Holy Spirit, faithful Guide]
56Safe in the arms of Jesus[Safe in the arms of Jesus]
57Go bury thy sorrow[Go bury thy sorrow]
58Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole[Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole]
59Nearer, my God to TheeBETHANY
60Come, for the feast is spread[Come, for the feast is spread]
61One sweetly solemn thought[One sweetly solemn thought]
62Shall we meet beyond the river[Shall we meet beyond the river]
63Heav'nly Father, we beseech Thee[Heav'nly Father, we beseech Thee]
64Lord, I care not for riches[Lord, I care not for riches]
65"Almost persuaded," Now to believe["Almost persuaded," Now to believe]
66All-seeing, gracious Lord[All-seeing, gracious Lord]
67O I love to talk with Jesus[O I love to talk with Jesus]
68Fade, fade, each earthly joy[Fade, fade, each earthly joy]
69God be with you till we meet again[God be with you till we meet again]
70My heav'nly home is bright and fair[My heav'nly home is bright and fair]
71When peace, like a river, attendeth my way[When peace, like a river, attendeth my way]
72How sweet the name of Jesus sounds[How sweet the name of Jesus sounds]
73Jesus loves me! this I know[Jesus loves me! this I know]
74Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer![Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!]
75Blest be the tie that binds[Blest be the tie that binds]
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