Sunday School Voices, No.2

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Rescue the perishing[Rescue the perishing]Page Scan
102Serving the Master with cheerful songs[Serving the Master with cheerful songs]TextPage ScanAudio
103Always on duty for Jesus the King[Always on duty for Jesus the King]TextPage ScanAudio
104The fight is on,—the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on,—the trumpet sound is ringing out]Page Scan
105Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord[Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord]Page Scan
106Today belongs to Jesus[Today belongs to Jesus]Page Scan
107Sweet are the promises, kind is the word[Sweet are the promises, kind is the word]Page Scan
108With martial tread we go, with Christ, our risen King[With martial tread we go, with Christ, our risen King]TextPage ScanAudio
109Sing for Jesus, Jesus only[Sing for Jesus, Jesus only]TextPage ScanAudio
110Will your anchor hold in the storms of life[Will your anchor hold in the storms of life]Page Scan
111Onward, Christian soldiers![Onward, Christian soldiers!]Page Scan
112We are loyal Christian Soldiers in the army of the King[We are loyal Christian Soldiers in the army of the King]TextPage ScanAudio
113Never give up, tho' the path be dreary[Never give up, tho' the path be dreary]TextPage ScanAudio
114While your face is t'ward that city with its wealth of jasper walls[While your face is t'ward that city with its wealth of jasper walls]Page Scan
115Savior, Thy dying love[Savior, Thy dying love]Page Scan
116There is need today for hearts that are brave[There is need today for hearts that are brave]TextPage ScanAudio
117Raise the song of triumph, swell the strains of joy[Raise the song of triumph, swell the strains of joy]Page Scan
118Blessings falling 'round us like the summer show'rs[Blessings falling 'round us like the summer show'rs]TextPage ScanAudio
119It only costs a little[It only costs a little]TextPage ScanAudio
120Lo, a great and mighty army now is marching through the land[Lo, a great and mighty army now is marching through the land]Page Scan
121Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to driftFORTITUDEPage Scan
122Raise the blessed cross of Jesus[Raise the blessed cross of Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
123Soldiers in the gospel army[Soldiers in the gospel army]TextPage ScanAudio
124O haste away, the moments fly[O haste away, the moments fly]Page Scan
125Holy night, peaceful nightHOLY NIGHTPage Scan
126Life's work is before us[Life's work is before us]Page Scan
127Lives are fields, wherein we sow[Lives are fields, wherein we sow]TextPage ScanAudio
128Christ the Lord shall reign o'er all the realms of earth[Christ the Lord shall reign o'er all the realms of earth]TextPage ScanAudio
129Do the thing that's next you[Do the thing that's next you]Page Scan
130The whole wide world for Jesus[The whole wide world for Jesus]Page Scan
131Mine the cross and thine the glory[Mine the cross and thine the glory]TextPage ScanAudio
132In the service of the Master[In the service of the Master]Page Scan
133Christian, dost thou see them on the holy groundST. ANDREW OF CRETEPage Scan
134Send out the story of Jesus[Send out the story of Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
135Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
136The Master's field is ready for the sowing[The Master's field is ready for the sowing]TextPage ScanAudio
137There are days so dark that I seek in vain[There are days so dark that I seek in vain]Page Scan
138I would be true, for there are those who trust me[I would be true, for there are those who trust me]Page Scan
139Beneath the cross of Jesus[Beneath the cross of Jesus]Page Scan
140Our Father's love is over all[Our Father's love is over all]TextPage ScanAudio
141I am thinking today of that beautiful land[I am thinking today of that beautiful land]Page Scan
142Sing out in glad carols, be happy today[Sing out in glad carols, be happy today]TextPage ScanAudio
143O stand up like a hero[O stand up like a hero]TextPage ScanAudio
144Jesus the water of life will give[Jesus the water of life will give]Page Scan
145"Go and labor today," 'tis the Master's command["Go and labor today," 'tis the Master's command]TextPage ScanAudio
146There's a work to be done[There's a work to be done]TextPage ScanAudio
147Dare to do right! dare to be true[Dare to do right! dare to be true]Page Scan
148Would you be a sunbeam filled with heaven's light[Would you be a sunbeam filled with heaven's light]Page Scan
149There are lonely hearts near us to cherish[There are lonely hearts near us to cherish]TextPage ScanAudio
150Hear the Master as he bade farewell[Hear the Master as he bade farewell]TextPage ScanAudio
151What are you doing for Jesus[What are you doing for Jesus]Page Scan
152Onward go and trust in God, tho' all before be dark or bright[Onward go and trust in God, tho' all before be dark or bright]TextPage ScanAudio
153We are the ambassadors of Jesus[We are the ambassadors of Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
154Lifted into the sunshine, ring it out with a song[Lifted into the sunshine, ring it out with a song]TextPage ScanAudio
155Give of your best to the Master[Give of your best to the Master]Page Scan
156We will speak a word of comfort and of cheer[We will speak a word of comfort and of cheer]TextPage ScanAudio
157We are trav'ling on to the City of the blest[We are trav'ling on to the City of the blest]TextPage ScanAudio
158Beautiful words of Jesus[Beautiful words of Jesus]Page Scan
159Let the sunshine of joy get into your life[Let the sunshine of joy get into your life]Page Scan
160One there is above all others we adore[One there is above all others we adore]Page Scan
161Hear the temperance call[Hear the temperance call]Page Scan
162We're fighting for a noble cause[We're fighting for a noble cause]TextPage ScanAudio
163Some have their learning to offer[Some have their learning to offer]TextPage ScanAudio
164With our banner waving o'er us[With our banner waving o'er us]TextPage ScanAudio
165Yield not to temptation[Yield not to temptation]Page Scan
166Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross[Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross]Page Scan
167Anywhere our Father leads[Anywhere our Father leads]TextPage ScanAudio
168Round the world a call is sounding[Round the world a call is sounding]TextPage ScanAudio
169Our Father which art in heaven[Our Father which art in heaven]Page Scan
170Be with us, Lord, as forth we go[Be with us, Lord, as forth we go]Page Scan
171More holiness give me[More holiness give me]Page Scan
172Be not dismayed whate'er betide[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]Page Scan
173My hand is in the hand of him who guides me day by day[My hand is in the hand of him who guides me day by day]TextPage ScanAudio
174Great is Jehovah[Great is Jehovah]TextPage ScanAudio
175Hail to our nation's banner[Hail to our nation's banner]TextPage ScanAudio
176O say can you see, by the dawn's early light[O say can you see, by the dawn's early light]Page Scan
177O land, of all earth's lands the bestWATCH ON THE RHINEPage Scan
178Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICPage Scan
179We are little sentinels of Jesus[We are little sentinels of Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
180Little flowers nod and smile[Little flowers nod and smile]TextPage ScanAudio
181The big round sun peeped in my room[The big round sun peeped in my room]TextPage ScanAudio
182The daisies in the meadow[The daisies in the meadow]TextPage ScanAudio
183The little brook sings as it hurries along[The little brook sings as it hurries along]TextPage ScanAudio
184For summer and its golden hours[For summer and its golden hours]TextPage ScanAudio
185They're nodding in the meadow grass[They're nodding in the meadow grass]TextPage ScanAudio
186O we're the sturdy Straight-line Club[O we're the sturdy Straight-line Club]TextPage ScanAudio
187I belong to Jesus[I belong to Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
188Sunbeams, sunbeams, what do you do[Sunbeams, sunbeams, what do you do]TextPage ScanAudio
189The old clock stands on the mantle-shelf[The old clock stands on the mantle-shelf]TextPage ScanAudio
190"Glory to God in the highest!"["Glory to God in the highest!"]Page Scan
191Christmas Day! O happy measure[Christmas Day! O happy measure]Page Scan
192'Tis a wonderful, wonderful Jesus['Tis a wonderful, wonderful Jesus]Page Scan
193Glad hearts are singing[Glad hearts are singing]Page Scan
194O dawn of peace and gladness[O dawn of peace and gladness]Page Scan
195Hang the holly garlands in the house of praise[Hang the holly garlands in the house of praise]Page Scan
196With songs of hallelujah we greet the Christmastide[With songs of hallelujah we greet the Christmastide]Page Scan
197When the King was born, on that Christmas morn[When the King was born, on that Christmas morn]Page Scan
198Let peace and joy in each life abide[Let peace and joy in each life abide]Page Scan
199Hasten, loyal mortals, onward to the star[Hasten, loyal mortals, onward to the star]Page Scan
200Risen is our glorious king[Risen is our glorious king]Page Scan

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