Spiritual Songs for Social Worship: adapted to the use of families and private circles in seasons of revival, to missionary meetings, to the monthly concert, and to other occasions... (3rd ed.)

Editor: Thomas Hastings, Lowell Mason
Publisher: Gardiner Tracy, Utica, N.Y., 1835
Language: English
Notes: Numbers in the hymnal are duplicated and skipped. Hymnal numbers are in brackets when they are not sequential. #249b and 337b were unnumbered hymns.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Sov'reign of worlds! display thy pow'rPage Scan
202My God accept my early vowsPage Scan
203Watchmen! onward to your stationsPage Scan
204O, there will be mourning, Before the judgment seat!Page Scan
205O, city of the Lord! begin the universal songPage Scan
206Behold the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall risePage Scan
207There is a house not made with hands, eternal in the skiesPage Scan
208To thee, my God and SaviourPage Scan
209To thee, in youth's bright morningPage Scan
210Roll on, thou mighty ocean!Page Scan
211To Father, Son, and SpiritPage Scan
212I saw one hanging on a treePage Scan
213Hear, gracious God, my humble moan!Page Scan
214O for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
215When blooming youth is snatch'd awayPage Scan
216How tedious and tasteless the hoursPage Scan
217Encompass'd with clouds of distressPage Scan
218This God is the God we adorePage Scan
219Sinners, will you scorn the messagePage Scan
220Lord of mercy and of mightPage Scan
221Wake the song of jubilee!Page Scan
222Praise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
223When all creation sings for joyPage Scan
224Wretched, helpless, and distress'dPage Scan
225Conscious of my ruin'd statePage Scan
226Saviour, Prince, enthron'd abovePage Scan
227Go, watch and pray, thou canst not tellPage Scan
228O, let my trembling soul be stillPage Scan
229Jesus, incarnate Son of GodPage Scan
230When I can trust my all with GodPage Scan
231That warning voice, O sinner, hearPage Scan
232O Lord, in sorrow I resignPage Scan
233Awak'd by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
234On Pisgah's top I now would standPage Scan
235In this calm, impressive hourPage Scan
236Farewell! Farewell! we meet no morePage Scan
237Amid the anguish and the strifePage Scan
238By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
239Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!Page Scan
240While mercy invites you, While Jesus is nearPage Scan
241O Lord, another day is flownPage Scan
242The God of nature and of gracePage Scan
243Ye humble souls approach your GodPage Scan
244When the harvest is past, and the summer is gonePage Scan
245There's peace for him whose heart is all commotionPage Scan
246Creator, Preserver, Redeemer of menPage Scan
247Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly DovePage Scan
248And will the Lord thus condescendPage Scan
249Dear Saviour, when my thoughts recallPage Scan
249bThou lovely source of true delightPage Scan
250Go forth on wings of fervent pray'rPage Scan
251Endless praises To our LordPage Scan
253The morning light is breakingPage Scan
252[250]Dark brood the heavens o'er theePage Scan
254To Jesus, the crown of my hopePage Scan
255Weep not for the saint that ascendsPage Scan
256Ye sons of men, a feeble racePage Scan
257[255]Hark, from yonder mount arisePage Scan
258[256]When the vale of death appearsPage Scan
259Hail, sov'reign love, that form'd the planPage Scan
260Wait, my soul, upon the LordPage Scan
261Bleeding hearts, defil'd by sinPage Scan
262Jesus, Lord, we look to theePage Scan
263Tell me, Shepherd, from abovePage Scan
264Light Divine, Immanuel!Page Scan
265Yes, I will extol thee, Lord of life, and lightPage Scan
266God of our salvation, Unto thee we prayPage Scan
267Lord of life and gloryPage Scan
268Why that look of sadness?Page Scan
269Rich from the river of life, flow the streams of salvationPage Scan
270Tell me, thou Shepherd, O, tell mePage Scan
271When God is near, To quell the soul's commotionPage Scan
272From ev'ry earthly pleasurePage Scan
273The joyful scene before usPage Scan
274The Prince of salvation in triumph is ridingPage Scan
275Hark! those happy voices, saying Yet there's roomPage Scan
276Bless the Lord of life for everPage Scan
277Fast flow my tears, the cause is greatPage Scan
278Sinner, come, Mid thy gloomPage Scan
279Go to dark GethsemanePage Scan
280Haste, my spirit, haste awayPage Scan
281O, praise ye the Lord, Prepare your glad voicePage Scan
282Ye servants of God, Your Master proclaimPage Scan
283Come, ye that love the Saviour's namePage Scan
284When musing sorrow weeps the pastPage Scan
285Why sinks my soul, desponding?Page Scan
286O, Sacred Head, now woundedPage Scan
287O Lord, thy work revive, In Zion's gloomy hourPage Scan
288O God of Abra'm, hearPage Scan
289How will the soul endurePage Scan
290My former hopes are fledPage Scan
291How calm and beautiful the mornPage Scan
292Say, dost thou mark that beaming eyePage Scan
293Ye trembling captives, hear! Page Scan
294When thy harvest yields thee pleasurePage Scan
295To God, the only wise, Our Saviour and our KingPage Scan
296Lord, at thy feet we sinners liePage Scan
297When in death you languishPage Scan
298Broad is the road that leads to deathPage Scan
299Pilgrim weary, Lone and drearyPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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